bad blood

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this song serves very much bad gyal.

taylor = <3

love her.

ive been rly inactive, im so sorry.

i had a lot going on and i was focusing on some other things, i had to self-isolate for ten days bc someone just HAD to get covid that happened to sit next to me in class.

anyways enjoy girlie whirls <3


zero walked into the kitchen to check on her siblings, she saw someone she didn't think she'd see again.

"what.." she mutters, extremely confused.

"hey, sis." her long lost brother, five, looked up at her.

"'hey, sis'? is that all you have to say to me?" zero scoffs.

"pretty much." five sourly admits.

"you are such a dick." zero disappears and reappears behind five.

she kicks his shin and he grimaces, he turns to her.

"love you too." he sarcastically grins.

"screw you." she gets right in his face and grits her teeth.

five smirks and turns back to the others.

zero grunts and stomps back out of the kitchen.

she walks up to her room, she bursts into tears.

she screams.

there is footsteps coming from the stairs.

klaus walks in with a concerned face.

"you okay?" he sits down on her bed with her.

"i hate him." she repeats the phrase over and over.

klaus interuppts her. "hey, hey." he pulls her in for a hug.

"it's okay." he rubs her back.

"it's not. it's not."

"what happened years ago was a pure accident." klaus reassures.

"'accident'? there was no accident. it was intentional. he wouldn't do that to his sister on 'accident'." zero pulls fromt the hug.


"no! i don't wanna hear your silly excuses to defend him." zero stands up. "get out. you're just as bad as the others."

klaus looks at his sister with a face of sadness.

zero stares him down. "out."

klaus slowly leaves closing the door behind him.

zero breaks down and falls onto her bed.


hours later, zero wakes up fro her nap.

she gets the courage to walk downstairs to make herself some coffee.

when she gets to the kitchen she sighs heavily.

five turns from the coffee machine. he turns back around shrugging.

"hogging the coffee machine on your first day back?" zero sits on a chair.

"yes. you okay?" he asks out of nowhere.

"i guess. why do you wanna know?" she frowns.

"your eyes are red, you've been crying." five says with a soft tone.

"no i just had a nap." zero lies about not crying.

five turns around with two coffees, he hands one to zero.

"thanks?" zero becomes very confused.

"hm. im sorry by the way." he apologises.

"for what?"

"for what i did. you were right, it was intentional." five admits with a slight look of remorse.

"why did you do it?" zero questions.

"burst of rage. stress. allison." five explains.

"allison? what?" zero slowly realises. "holy shit. she rumoured you to do it." zero widens her eyes.

zero thinks she notices a tear in five's eye but brushes it off.

"i loved you, i still do. allison was jealous in a way. our bond was strong, she wanted to be closer to you, she rumoured me to think i hated you, and that i had to hurt you." five lets a tear fall but quickly wipes it away.

"all this time, i shamed you and said some terrible things, im so sorry." zero is still in shock.

"you don't need to be sorry, i shouldn't have fallen for allison's stupid trick." five justifies.

zero gets up and goes to hug five.

he hugs back with the same energy.

"i missed you, five." zero begins to cry.

"i missed you too, z." five hugs her tightly.

☂︎ 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒                          FIVE HARGREEVES IMAGINES ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now