The Monster

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this song is one of the best out there so i had to do an imagine based around this song. plus my name is literally rhianna :p

i'm really sorry for the lack of capitals, i'm on my chromebook and i honestly cba to press down shift.

this imagine is a big hint to the story i'm working on, basically a preview of what's coming.


~ {present} 2002 (13 years old) ~

y/n was in training. her father was behind a glass screen, giving her instuctions.

"number eight. i would like you to create a monster with your mind. anything that comes to mind will be fine." reginald orders.

y/n looked at her siblings who were also behind the glass screen.

y/n closed her eyes and imagined a kid's worst nightmare and turned it into a reality.

gasps were heard as y/n opened her eyes to the exact monster she imagined.

this was the first time y/n's siblings had seen her use her power as it was too dangerous for missions. she hadn't learned how to use it properly.

the monster towers over y/n. she looks up calmly. as long as she doesn't show fear, she'll be okay.

"great work y/n." her father praises.

the monster was letting out fierce grunts. y/n's eye's started to omit a black colour as the monster began to walk around.

she was telling it what to do.

y/n looked over to the others who were staring with terror in their eyes, except for one of her siblings. five.

he was the only calm one. he was the only sibling who had ever seen her use her powers.

~ 2001 (12 years old) ~

y/n was sat in five's room doing equations with him.

y/n was becoming bored. she sighed and closed her eyes.

she imagined a small monster. she opened her eyes and saw the monster sat in her hand. she turns her eyes black and makes the monster do tricks.

five turns around. strangely, he was fascinated and sat in front of y/n.

y/n looked up at him and smiled. "wow." five mutters, amused by the tiny creature in y/n's hand.

y/n looks back at it. the monster looks up at five and waves. y/n and five chuckle.

~ {present} 2002 (13 years old) ~

the monster turns around to the siblings. the other siblings cower back and some leave from the fear. five stays where he is and looks up at the monster.

the monster walks towards the glass and stops. it's hand raises and rests against the glass in front of five.

five puts his hand up to the glass too. the monster gives a smile.

five looks at y/n who is smiling. five smiles back.

the monster disappears and y/n's eyes return to their natural state.

she sighs and her father nods with a proud look.

☂︎ 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒                          FIVE HARGREEVES IMAGINES ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now