98 3 0

"I'm glad you're back, Scotty. It's brilliant to see that you're playing again. Great game today."

"Thank you, y/n/n. If you're happy, I'm happy."

y/n's head found my shoulder. If only we didn't have these masks, the number of kisses I would have given her. I resisted the urge and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"God, I'm knackered. I think Tuchel tired me out more than watching the game,"

"Yeah, I heard him going to hell and back shouting at you."

"I don't know what I did, I was coaching DJ and all of a sudden I have my head bitten off."

"I know, it was shocking."

y/n started listening to something, a smile formed on her face. Intrigued by what she could be hearing, I took out the headphone closest to mine and put it in my ear.

y/n noticed that I was interested in what she was listening to, so she restarted the song.

I looked at her confused, wondering why she needed a song by a Yorkshireman to comfort her. Surely we were enough?

"I used to listen to this when my now-ex gave me a bit of a hard time."

"Why someone would want to give you a hard time, I'll never know."

"Also, it's called being a woman under high expectations where no one hears you even when you scream at the top of your lungs and you've been used to this ever since you were five years old," I spoke in one breath. I took in a deep breath, "And that's seemed as normal."

"That should be the last thing as normal."

"Well, it's your kind that has done it. Men. I think you lot are the only exception to this rule, but Ed has always and will always be apart of this said exception."

"You should open up more about it, y/n/n. We can speak up about it, you know. We'll always be behind you."

"Thanks, Scotty. I don't think Tuchel helped me today in feeling safe at Stamford."

"I wish you could see my point of view. Also, some queens don't need a crown. But, still, somehow, you're perfect now."

"You make me feel like being someone, love."

"I'm sure I don't but thank you, Tommy."

"Trust me, love. You do, more than anyone else in the world."

Once I said that we pulled up outside the hotel.

"We'll message/talk later."

We decided to play a Table Tennis Tournament. In the group stages, I beat Deano and H. Quarterfinals: I drew Bruno. I beat him, easier than some of the group games. Semifinals: I drew Donny. I beat him.

Finals: we meet again. Scott McTominay vs y/f/n.

"Deja Vu, we meet again." y/n stated.

"Yeah, let's see how this one goes."

After five minutes, I was winning 4-0, but y/n made it back to 4-3.

I scored a point, but it 'bounced in my half' (cheers, Rashy, for putting me off)

I got it to a deuce, then it continuously went back and forth. Game point to me, back to deuce, game point to her, and the cycle continued.

After at least a few minutes of this repetition, y/n went and beat me 21-19.

I keep on scuffing up leads. It's stupid, honestly. Who thought that I, of all people, thought that this was a good idea?

"Fair play, Scotty, that was anyone's game."

"It was, well done. Can there be a law where it is illegal for you to beat me?" I chuckled, smile showing.

"Never! I'm never going to give my crown up for someone else!"

We went to bed after that, I decided to message y/n.

y/n 🌍🌙

11:22 pm

Night baby xxx You were brilliant at Table Tennis and managing us today love xxx I'm so proud of you and how far you've come xxx I love you, sweet dreams ❤️🥰😘

night tommy xxx you were brilliant out there, i'm so so SO proud of you xxx i love you too, sweet dreams to you as well xxx ❤️😘🥺

I'm a little mad at you for beating me but you're too amazing and beautiful and all-round brilliant person that I can't be mad at you for too long ❤️❤️❤️

oh shut it ❤️❤️

We're not having this argument again beautiful xxx You are the best person I think I've ever met and I love you for it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

awww 🥺🥺 i love you ❤️❤️❤️ I'll let you get some sleep now, rest well and I'll talk to you in the morning ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



I stopped messaging her, but I couldn't get to sleep. It was past midnight and I felt I never closed my eyes once. I decided to message y/n again, to see if she could help my predicament.

12:04 am

I miss you ☹️❤️

scotty, we'll be back together tomorrow, well, today, so don't fret too much about it ❤️❤️

Yeah but I miss you ☹️☹️❤️

Can you come here so we can cuddle? 🥺❤️

if we were the only people in this hotel and i could find a way to easily sneak in i would ❤️

with cctv as well i don't want to risk it bubba ❤️❤️


Whyyyyyyyy ☹️☹️☹️

i don't want to get in more trouble with ed babe

if you sleep now i'll give you all the attention tomorrow afternoon i promise ❤️❤️




i love you too tommy ❤️❤️❤️

i won't forget about it any time soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Somehow, I managed to fall asleep, but in my gut, I felt that something was going to go wrong.

i love her - scott mctominayWhere stories live. Discover now