Since we were little

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Y'all have probably figured that I'm basing these on songs so *insert megan thee stallion tongue noise*


Klaus has been my bestfriend for as long as i can remember.

His family is definitely strange.

Today I was going around his house for a sleepover.

His dad was strict but made exceptions for me.

I put on some black sweatpants and a black tank top.

I put on my black converse shoes.

I adjust my tank top and then leave to go to his house.

I arrive and knock on the door.

Klaus's brother, five, answers the door.

"Hey five!" I smile cheerfully greet him.

"Hey y/n. Klaus is in the kitchen." He says with some sort of enthusiasm, smiling softly back.

"Okay, thanks." I walk in.

Five walks off upstairs to what I'm assuming is his room.

I walk into the kitchen. "Hey, emotionally unstable kid." I jokingly say to klaus.

I put my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

I sit down. "So how are we?" I ask him.

"Better than usual actually."

"Ohh, spill the beans." I sit forward in my chair.

"Well, I met this boy." Klaus pouts.

"Oh my god. What's his name?" I widen my eyes and smile brightly.

"Daveee." Klaus drones out.

"Ahhh! This is amazing!" I get up and jump around.

"And there's something else.." Klaus smirks.

"What is it?" I sit back down with a serious face.

"You know five?"

"Your one brother that does everything he can to avoid anything and everyone?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, him. I think he's crushing on you." Klaus teases, or so I think.

"Cut the cameras." I stare at him blankly.

"Yup. I overheard him talking to diego about a girl that fits your description."

"Ahaha. Great joke. We all laughed."

"No, I'm serious y/n."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. What I heard was pretty sweet. Coming from five too." Klaus smiles.

I smile. "You aren't messing with me?"

"No! I'm not! He likes you y/n. And admit it. You like him too."

I sit back. "Since we were little." I mutter.

"There it is. I always knew something was going on."

"Hey, shh. He could be right outside of that door!" I whisper shout, only just realising.

~ five's pov ~

I come down from my room hoping to make some coffee when I hear y/n and klaus's voices.

I stop outside the door and listen in.

"..Yup. I overheard him talking to diego about a girl that fits your description." Klaus says to y/n.

"Shit." I whisper.

"Ahaha. Great joke. We all laughed." Y/n chuckles playfully.

Thank god. She doesn't believe him.

"No, I'm serious y/n." Klaus's tone of voice goes serious.

"Wait, really?" I heard y/n shuffle in her seat.

"Yeah. What I heard was pretty sweet. Coming from five too." Klaus chuckles slightly.

"You aren't messing with me?" Y/n asks to confirm.

"No! I'm not! He likes you y/n. And admit it. You like him too." Klaus urges.

Y/n sighs and mutters something I'm only just able to hear. "Since we were little."

I gasp slightly and stand still in shock. "There it is. I always knew something was going on." I can feel klaus's smirk from here.

"Hey shh. He could be right outside of that door!" Y/n whisper shouts.

I step back and run upstairs.

~ y/n's pov ~

I hear running. "Shit. Was that him? Do you think he heard that?"

Klaus looks behind him at the sound of it.

"Sounds like someone in particular has been snooping y/n." Klaus teases.

"Oh shut up." I scoff.

"Go and talk to him." Klaus suggests.

"You know what? I will." I stand up and smile.

"Go get 'em tiger." Klaus smiles back.

I walk off and up the stairs.

I find five's room and hesitantly exhale before knocking.

I knock. "Who is it?" Five questions.

"It's y/n."

I can hear him walking up to the door, he opens it.

"Hey." I quietly say. "Hi." He says with the same energy as me.

We stare into each other's eyes. I sigh.

I smash my lips into his.

He tenses up but then melts into the kiss.

He puts his hands round my waist and I  put mine on his neck.

We pull away. "Wow." We both breathe out in unison.

I kiss him again and then pull away.



"I like you."

"I like you too."

We both smile and we kiss again.

Five walks backwards. Both of us still in the kiss.

He shuts his door.

~ klaus's pov ~

Y/n walks up the stairs.

I hear muttering.

A door slams.


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