Chapter 6 ~ Can't Be Trusted

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Chapter 6 ~ Can't Be Trusted

Kaliyah POV

- I woke up to and empty made up bed. I jerked up and began searching around the room for my things but they couldn't be found!

Me: I can't believe that for one second I could trust that fool!!! (*i opened up the dresser drawer and saw that the room key was gone, I was so mad that i punched the wall*)

Me: owwwwww (*i sat down on the bed, with a red Hand and began to 

Cry when I herd the door open, I didn't care who it was ready to kick me out I had nothin now*)

Voice: hey you up? I got u breakfast

Me: (*i looked up and saw Jacob*)

Jacob: (*sat the food he had on the dresser and stood in front of me*) aye what's wrong

Me: nothin (*i wiped my tears*)

Jacob: then why are u crying

Me: I-I just thought you had left me

Jacob: why would you think that?

Me: Jacob look around the key was gone my things you!!! That doesn't add up

Jacob: lol no look I place our bags behind this chair so that if anyone came in to clean the room they would search our things, and besides I just went and got you breakfast see!

Me: (*he handed me a plate with bacon a biscuit, eggs and 2 muffins*) thanks :/

Jacob: (*sat the key on the dresser*) I didn't know what kind of drink you wanted so I just got you a apple juice (*he threw the juice on the bed*)

Me: thanks (*he sat in a chair in front of me as we ate*)

Jacob: (*looked up at me*) aye what happen to your hand?

Me: nothin I tucked it under my leg

Jacob: no let me see (*he grabbed my hand and looked at it*) Kaliyah you can't be hurting your self! You know I can't do nothin to help you with that!

Me: umhmm (*i ate some more*)

Jacob: *sigh* (*he wiped the rest of my tears away*) look Kaliyah I'm sorry I kinda made you upset I guess I should have told you but I didn't think you was gonna be awake so soon. Right now all we got is each other so we gotta make it the best way we can. Besides, it wasn't easy getting you that food so be happy!

Me: :) thanks

Jacob: I just want you to know that where stuck with each other and I *sigh* wouldn't let no one hurt you like you did yourself

Me: you promise

Jacob: 0.0 Uhh yea I promise

Me: :)

Jacob: now eat up so that we can go sight seeing

- we both headed out to the streets of Canada and walked around

Me: so what are we gonna do to get back home? We barely have enough money

Jacob: look dont worry about that ok I got you!

- we walked the streets and sight seed until it grew dark then we headed back into the hotel.. We've been staying there a few days and really getting to enjoy each others company and getting to know each other better!

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