Chapter 16 ~ Behind Closed BARS!!

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Chapter 16 - behind closed BARS!

- so here I was on a plane in an orange Jump suit on my way to California juvenile, Jacob was on another plane but we were going to the same place, it was a rule to have genders separate! But I wonder what they do to girls that look like guys cuz this thing next to me was staring me down like she wanted some! My head ached, I had a black eye a busted lip and a purple bump on my forehead! I was a juvenile now! Nothin but all bad but I had to Amit I've changed. I don't care about things anymore it's what ever! I've been lied to beating and touched life is just a another day for me, but top it all off I was going to jail a place I would have never thought of seeing a day in my life!.....

Voice: number 24 please step forward

-I stepped up to take my picture that will travel with me for as long as I live! I entered my jail cell and cramped on my little top bunk hard bed.

- In jail they show you no respect, no love. No one cares about you! You could be here one minute and gone the next! And they still wouldn't notice! My name is not Kaliyah anymore it's number 24 because in jail your worth less than the number your wear!

Voice: what are you here for?

Me: (*i looked down to my room mate*) life

Voice: my name is Tacy!

Me: hey

Tacy: (*climbed on my bunk*) look don't cut your self out hard on being in here! It isn't as bad as the life we trailed out there!

Me: oh yea

Tacy: I'm in here because I choose to be! I did bad things and didn't take help from those who offered It to me! But I look at you and shake my head because I know that theres another life to you then you know

Me: that's nice Tacy but me and 

You both know that for as long as I'm in here there is no me!

.. .......

Lunch time came around and I was feeding slop to the boys I saw Jacob and he looked at me with shocked! He saw how bad I looked, my hair was napped and all over my head it wasnt like it use to

Boy: aye keep the line moving brother

Jacob: aye chill (*he took his plate and marched on*)

Jacob POV

- I sat at a table with one of my in mates and some other boys. I couldn't stop thinking about Kaliyah and how I got her here, she was a good girl and didn't need this in her life. She never got to speak to her father after the crash!


Kaliyah POV

I laid in my bed late at night and stared at the pale wall! This is gonna be my life for the next couple of months, all because I wanted to survive and make it in this world

Tacy: aye bucket head you still up?

Me: I'm gonna ignore the skimpy nickname but yea what's up

Tacy: haha (*got up and climb on the bed*) man what u really doing in these dirty cells man?

Me: I see you needed someone to talk to huh?

Tacy: lol caught red handed! I can't sleep thinking about the things I've done and been threw!

Me: alright (*i sat up*) what's your story

Tacy: man I was on the street one night walking around trying to get my mind straight! I'm a drinker you know and that's hard to get out of and the cops pulled up on me and check my record and took me in. This streets are tough now&days you gotta be careful who u hang wit

Me: yea (*i started thinking about the person Jacob was*)

Tacy: I'm lucky I'm underage or I would have gotten life (laided back on my bed*)

Me: life? But you didn't do anything

Tacy: *sigh* It's hard to lie to u newbie, back a few months ago I was out with some guys on the street as they was doin there drug sells in a dark alley! At that moment you know everyone felt safe, until one Of the guys pulled out a gun on my homeboy Reggie! I'll never forget the day I pulled it on that poor soul

Me: 0.0 did he die?

Tacy: no but I send flowers to his family almost every day in spite of it! (*sat back up*) you know anger is a powerful thing and it can take over you! You got to learn to control your emotions ! Because one thing I do know (*gets back in her own bed*) it will take your life in this jail

- I sat back an thought for a good long time

Tacy: night newbie

Me: yea....night

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