Chapter 17 ~ Rude Awaking

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Chapter ~ rude awaking

Voice: wake up sleeping beauty's its work time (*whistle , pans beating together and a horn sound came from outside the cells*)

Me: OH SH*t! (*i woke up and rolled off my bed on the to the hard cold floor*) ow

Tacy: oh what's up earth quake

Me:(*i stood up and dusted my self off*) you always know how to make a situation better I said in scarsium  

How are u up.. What time is it?

Tacy: 1

Me: 1 in the

Tacy; am

Me: a.m anyway- wait a minute wait a minute! You telling me it's 1 I'm the morning (*i stuck my head between the cell bars*) meaning night time?

Tacy: yep (*stood up*)

Me: you got to be kidding me

Tacy: nope! We gotta work out in the fields today so they always make 

Noises to wake us up 5 mins before they open the cages (*leans on bunks*)

Me: hump! They got another thing coming if they think imma be up this early working please (*i laided back down in my bed And turned Towards the wall*)  

Tacy: Dam* we got a bad azz in the house!

Me: yep! This bad azz is taking her azz to sleep good night

Tacy: I wouldn't do that if i was you but if you feel that way (*slid on work shoes*)

Me: *racchet voice* yap that's how I feelz

Tacy: yo azz gonna really weep what you sho

Me: we'll B*txh hand me a rack cux I'm reepen!

Tacy: haha good luck

- the cell doors open as the officers screamed out directions for each bunk

Officer: Tacy

Tacy: ms green... Mama

Officer: even being locked up still got u that attitude

Tacy: even wearing that tight suit still makes you look fat

Officer:(*shoved her a giant hammer violently*) your breaking rocks this lovely morning

Tacy: I'll be happing doing it! And I'll imagine everyone to be your head! (*starts walking away*)

Officer: enjoy your cell major! Cuz that's where you be till you 40!!

Tacy: *yelled back* I swear if I didn't have this much time I'll hit you with this right now

Officer: keep your sluty words to your self ! hump (*turns back around*) aye where your partner in crime?

- a voice in the distance yelled back  

"I'm not a babysitter"

Officer: (*spoke in speaker*) Uhh we seems to have a cold green alert code green, top floor stadium 35 over (*walks away*)

Jacob POV

- me and a bunch of the guys headed out into the dark night with our hammers on our shoulders and our legs cuffed with officers not following far behind

Me: (*breath in the air*) aaaaa I'm 

Not gonna get use to this every morning!

Boy: laughed

Boy 1: well you got a rude awaking coming

- officers tied us up to heavy steel to 

Make sure we didn't try to break away, we stood in a round but straight horizontal line as rocks came down for us to break. The girls were on the right not to far away, talking distance even

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