Chapter 10 ~ Where Have You Been

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Chapter 10: where have you been

Kaliyah PoV

- I finished work at the shop and

Came back to the motel. Jacob had been gone all freaking day now it's like 9 and he still isn't here -.- so I sat on the bed waiting for him to return.

Jacob POV

- I said bye to the little Shawty as she handed over a 20

Me: bye baby (*bites lip, she kissed me on the cheek*)

Girl: bye ;)

Me: alright :) (*i picked up the food and headed back to the hotel I opened the door to find Kaliyah on the bed*)

Kaliyah POV

- Jacob finally walked in

Jacob: hey baby!! (*sat a bag down*) don't look at me like that (*jumped on me and sucked my neck*) you missed me ;)

Me: Jacob get off me! >:(

Jacob: (*wrapped his arms around me to hold me down on the bed*) what's wrong ?

Me: (*i rolled off the bed *) don't come in here getting all up on me! Jacob where the Fu*k you been? !!

Jacob: aye shh be quite for people hear you

Me: dont tell me to be quite! I've been out working trynna make a living for us and u run the streets all night thinking about your dam* self! We not living in a fantasy Jacob! This is reality and you havent been treating me right!

Jacob: I'm sorry I-

Me: no I don't wanna hear it! Where do you be all day while I work?! Huh?

Jacob: I-

Me: huh?

Jacob: would you shut up so that I can talk!!

Me: <I hushed up>

Jacob: I don't be know where Kaliyah (*looked to the floor*)

Me: (*i was heated and fed up with his stupid games, I was driving myself crazy!*) you know what just go! Go take your self and clean up because you STANK!! You smell like something but i can't! Just go shower!

- he went into the bathroom and showered up

Me: gonna come in here and kiss all on me Smelling like nasty girl P ! (*i looked in the poppies food bag and began eating*)

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