Chapter 7 ~ Time Caught Up

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Chapter 7~ Time caught up

Kaliyah POV

- it was raining tonight and we both laided in the bed and watched tv when we herd a knock on the door, we both looked at each other and Jacob got up to answer. It was The manger throwing us out

Jacob: but sir you don't understand we need this room for at least to night

Manger: no you don't understand! Maybe your grandfather would like to know about you little visit when he arrives next month! (*he grabed Jacob by his collar and threw him out the room right along with our things*)

- we sat on the street as the rain poured on our heads I turned to Jacob

Me: so what are we gonna do?

Jacob: looked at me. I don't know just wait here (*he looked around then went into a little conner store*)

-I watched him from the store window for awhile he seemed to not know what he wanted, I got bored so I turned back to the street. It was official I was lost in some random place with some boy I didn't know a thing about. Boy I missed my dad

~ Jacob came out the store with a grey bag

Jacob : here (*he handed me a apple juice and a bag of chips*)

Me: thanks

Jacob: come on let's get out of here (*he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the store in a fast pace*)

Me: dang what's the rush?

Jacob: nothin lets just get out of here

- we walked around for awhile until my feet started hurting

Me: Jacob can we sit for a while

Jacob: well where you expect us to go we have no place 0.0 (*he marched off so I just followed*)

Me: so what you think we should do

Jacob: I don't know looks like there's a motel down the street we can go sleep in the lobby

- I was in this stage in my life where I felt like a straight bum! -.-
We headed to the motel and sat in the chairs, I drifted off to sleep as Jacob stayed up and eyed the ladies and girls that walked in, I can't believe I stayed by his side this long 😒

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