8 | Lover

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" It's up to you
Whatever you say, say to mе
It's dangerous, dangerous "

" It's up to youWhatever you say, say to mеIt's dangerous, dangerous "

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i have encountered a severe problem
in asahi's software. after much
experimenting, i have found out that
asahi is able to be rebooted easily
by anyone with his memories
completely wiped out. this means
that he can change his personality
to anything as long as they have
control over his entire system.
this leads me to worry that
if asahi falls into the wrong hands,
there could be much trouble lying
ahead for all of us.

with this, i am currently working
to figure out a way to help
fix this solution, so that human
robots like asahi can only be used
to do good in this world. the solution
to this: feelings.

i have dedicated my life to work
on this invention because of my
precious daughter, yuna,
who had to lose her own mother
at such a young age, as well as
arthur. all i want is that my sweet
wife and the boy who loved yuna more than his own life to rest in peace and watch over the two of us.

- A. Kawazu

"Damn... How sad that he never got to find a solution to fix the flawed software." Haruto commented as he read Mr Kawazu's last letter to himself.

Yoshi took the paper back and sighed. He had found other robot blueprints inside the drawer, with this as his final one. Akira Kawazu always wrote a letter of reflection at the back of each blueprint to pen down his personal thoughts.

"My biggest question right now is: Who's Arthur? From what Mr Kawazu wrote, it sounded like Arthur was Yuna's lover or something." Haruto deduced, rubbing his chin.

Yoshi's eyes travelled to the last paragraph of Akira's letter. Haruto was onto something. Who was this mysterious new person?

"Let's hold on to that thought first until we get back." Yoshi said before staring at Haruto's bandaged wound. "And look, you can never go wrong with bringing a first-aid kit."

"Yeah, it finally came in handy." Haruto snorted. "Also, what are we going to do about this place? What if that guy comes back?"

Shaking his head, Yoshi replied, "We've found everything we needed. Right now, our priority is to go back and make sure Asahi or any of the suspects go anywhere."



"... I love you, Yuna. Will you be with me, forever?"

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