23 | Gone

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" Whatever you do,
I'm drawn to you
Girl, your lips are like art "

The group gathered inside a minivan that Yoshi helped to rent from a nearby shop

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The group gathered inside a minivan that Yoshi helped to rent from a nearby shop. Mashiho had his phone with him, analyzing a map that Haruto helped to navigate. They were secretly trailing behind Shotaro's team of agents in their vehicle, with Jihoon helping to drive.

"Okay, if we want to beat Jaehyuk, we have to be smart. His business is also top-secret, so I'm sure his building is tight with security. We need to make sure that we can outsmart him, only then can we actually win." Mashiho explained with seriousness in his tone.

"I appreciate the TED Talk but uh, how do we know which way to enter the building without getting caught? You do realize that there could be booby-traps, Agent Takata." Jeongwoo pointed out. "Oh, and not to mention that genius maniac now possesses an intelligent humanoid that could eventually destroy us all with upgraded advancements."

Haruto shook his head and smirked. "You underestimate us, Woo. We're professionally-trained spies... who just got fired... but that's not the point! It was literally a piece of cake coming up with the blueprint of the lion's den. As for Asahi... We'll just have to hope for the best."

He turned to Yuna nervously. Everyone remained silent. They were all aware that both the robot and Yuna had romantic feelings for each other, but it could be taboo considering how easily Asahi's memories can be wiped out anytime.

"Guys, you don't have to look at me like that. We're all here to stop Jaehyuk, and Asahi is nothing but a robot that my father had invented to protect me." She told them firmly, trying her best to oppress her feelings.

Yuna felt extremely guilty after saying that, but she knew she couldn't let her feelings for Asahi get in the way of their mission. It was all because of her that these young men had to suffer so much, and she didn't want them to hurt any longer.

"But don't forget Arthur, Yuna. I know you... technically have... but, Mr Kawazu did it for you to remember him by." Yoshi reminded her gently.

She nodded her head at Yoshi, who smiled at her warmly.

"They're stopping!" Jihoon shouted to the group from the front.

Everyone turned their heads and looked out, where they saw that Shotaro's car was parked up ahead.

"We'll stay inside first and keep an eye on them." Mashiho instructed. "Haruto."

He nodded to the boy, who blinked in acknowledgement. Opening the van's door ajar, he threw a small tracking device as far as he could and it landed onto Shotaro's back, clinging to his shirt.

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