12 | Nostalgia

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" I wanna see a little more
Why are you hurrying home again?
It's very, very fine (Fine)
Go slowly, just slowly (Go) "

" I wanna see a little moreWhy are you hurrying home again?It's very, very fine (Fine)Go slowly, just slowly (Go) "

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Danny laid out the tablecloth on the dining table as he and Kyle prepared breakfast for their two new house guests.

"Yah, Kyle! Make sure that there is enough toast for both of them." Danny nagged, scurrying around the kitchen as he prepared the food.

Kyle replied with a 'Got it' and placed the utensils neatly. Just then, Yuna and Asahi start walking down the stairs.

"Good morning!" Kyle chirped and showed them to the dining table. "Breakfast is almost ready."

Asahi turned to Yuna, who exchanged a grin with him. His eyes were staring at the food displayed nicely on the table.

"This looks so delicious!" Yuna exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Did you and Danny do all this?"

Kyle nodded his head, beaming with pride. "We do make great cooks."

"But we're still single, it's ironic!" Danny joked as he brought a large bowl of mushroom soup from the kitchen, chuckling to himself.

Yuna noticed Asahi's nervous expressions and held his hand.

"Are you okay? You look scared." She whispered to him.

Asahi's eyes twitched. "I can't eat human food, I only eat electricity."

Pursing her lips, Yuna looked at the food. Asahi had explained that the two house owners were not aware of his actual identity as a robot, and it should remain that way to play safe.

"Are you guys not sitting down?" Kyle asked, pointing at the seats.

"O-oh, yes! Of course..." Yuna took Asahi's hand and pulled him over to take a seat. "Thank you so much."

As they started to dig in, Asahi observed the humans eat. There were toasted bread with strawberry jam, sunny-side-ups with bacon, kimchi, cereal and milk.

Danny noticed how Asahi was only staring at the food and his plate was empty, so he immediately passed the cereal box to him.

"Hey, Asahi. Don't be shy, just eat!" He encouraged, unaware of the truth.

"Er... I see that you eat your cereal with milk in it. Milk or cereal first?" Asahi questioned.

"Cereal." Danny and Yuna replied in unison, but only Kyle said "Milk."

They stared at one another before bursting out in laughters.

"I guess it's your choice, Asahi!" Kyle hummed before taking a sip of water.

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