26 | Treasure

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" No matter who blames me
for anything
I still like you "

" No matter who blames me for anything I still like you "

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It was the day of the wedding ceremony. Everything was going smoothly according to Jaehyuk's plan. He finally had the girl of his dreams, and once he gets rid of Asahi for good, his life will finally be better.

Yuna stared in the mirror as she was being dressed up in her bridal gown. She couldn't believe this day had come, the day that she would get married, but this wasn't how she wanted it to turn out. The groom wasn't the only she wanted to marry, never was. The discontentment on her face was too obvious.

"Miss Yuna?" The makeup artist called. "Would you like for me to touch-up on your makeup?"

She shook her head and smiled weakly, "I'm fine, thank you. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to have some privacy for a while."

The makeup artist nodded her head, looking a little annoyed that she got rejected. She shot a subtle glare at Yuna before shutting the door.

Yuna sighed and looked at the reflection in the mirror. What am I even doing? She asked herself angrily. Remembering what happened yesterday, Yuna couldn't stop getting Asahi out of her mind. She yearned for freedom, and she wondered how the boys were doing. Is Jeongwoo better now? What if something happened to them? All these thoughts running through her head was causing her to feel dizzy.


"Jeongwoo is awake!" Jihoon yelled from the ward for the rest of the guys to come in.

Haruto was the first to rush inside. When he saw that his friend's eyes were open, he heaved a huge sigh of relief. He felt as if a heavy weight was finally lifted off his shoulders and he was now much more at ease.

Jeongwoo gave them a weak smile and tried to get up to speak to them properly, but struggled due to the surgery that he had undergone for his injuries that caused his body to become weaker.

"Stay down, Jeongwoo. Your body isn't recovered yet." Yoshi reminded the young teen who nodded his head.

"I-I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble." Jeongwoo apologized softly, his voice sounding tired from the anesthesia.

"No, Woo. You're so strong, I'm very proud of you." Haruto told him, holding his hand tightly. "We're just so glad that you're alive."

Junghwan was weeping upon seeing Jeongwoo in that state. Doyoung comforted him, and Jeongwoo started chuckling.

"Yah, Junghwan-ah. Come here." He started to say in Korean, motioning for the younger to go over to him. "Why are you crying? I'm talking to you now, aren't I? Be quiet, don't cry. You're a big boy now!"

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