27 | Grief

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wishing you a very happy 21st
birthday and i hope you and the
members stay healthy and
happy always ❤️ thank you for
being one of our robot's closest
friends and being such a hardworking and entertaining
member of TREASURE!

smart and incredible antagonist,

to BE WITH ME'ssmart and incredible antagonist,🥳생일촉아해🥳

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Two days ago...

Asahi ran out of the room and into the elevator. He wasn't panting, and he couldn't, but he was shocked and appalled that Yuna kissed him.

"She still loves me." He murmured, relieved. "Don't worry, Yuna, I'll come back for you."

Returning to Jaehyuk's office, he found the man sitting in his seat, sipping a cup of coffee and staring out at the panoramic view. Furrowing his eyebrows, Asahi put on a blank expression and walked inside.

"I've already had Yuna select her wedding dress." The robot informed him promptly.

"Good, make sure she doesn't go anywhere. The wedding will commence tomorrow, and I want you to be officiating it."

'No! This son of a bitch.' Asahi thought when he heard Jaehyuk's words.

"Yes, Sir." He nodded his head curtly before leaving, but Jaehyuk stopped him.

Halting in his tracks, Asahi heard Jaehyuk stand up from his seat before approaching his direction. He could sense Jaehyuk right next to him now.

"I still can't believe how easy it was for me to reboot you. It's fascinating." Jaehyuk commented, now walking in circles around the humanoid.

Asahi kept quiet, keeping a straight face. Jaehyuk suddenly stopped and faced him.

"I could easily destroy Yuna with your technology... But I won't. I can't find another girl like her. The heavens must've gave me a second chance when she survived that crash. Fate brought us back together, we're meant to be."

'Pfft, as if!' Asahi snorted to himself as he heard the man's incessant talking.

Jaehyuk patted Asahi's shoulder and headed back to his desk.

"Good work today, Asahi. I'll see you at the wedding." He said with a relaxed tone, motioning Asahi to leave.

As Asahi left the place, he bumped into Noa again, whose gaze shifted elsewhere uneasily.

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