I am Darcy Styles and I am a witch

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The Harry's daughters

Hi everyone :) I am going to but my AN in the beginning sens i think that it´s very important that you read it :)

First of all the reason that I did this story is because I love both 1D and Harry Potter so why not do a combo I thought :) but I can´t take all of the credit for this story sens so much of it is the work of J.K Rowling :) she is such a amazing writer and actually the reason that I am writing :)

I apologize if there is a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes :/ And if the "Harry Potter words" are wrong I am sorry to but I have never read the books in English, just in Swedish and they are not all the same :/

Other then that I hope you enjoy it and please fan/vote/comment :D

Darcy´s POV:

“Expelliarmus” I yelled and pointed my wand at Mr Wood. His wand flew out of his hand and I coughed it with one hand.

“ Good” he replied short. “Shall we try something harder? A Patronus paraphrases?”.

“Sure” I smiled, at least this will be a little challenge. I had tried once before but the only thing that had happened was that some gray haze appeared. I knew that you used it to fight dementors but I have never seen one in my entire life.

“Okay, remember that you have to choose a very strong memory, a happy one as well” Mr Wood said. “We will practice without a dementor this time so just take it slow”. He took a step back and I took a deep breath, picking my brain looking for a happy memory. The last time I had used the one when I for the first time could cast a spell but it had not been strong enough.

Then suddenly I got it so I closed my eyes and let it fill all of my soul and pronounced the words,

“ Expecto Patronum!”. My voice rang clear and high through the cold and empty room we were standing in. When I opened my eyes something very light were breaking out from the end of my wand and to my surprise a lion took shape. It lit up the room, making it warm and cozy. I totally lost my focus so she started to fade and soon she was gone.

“Excellent!” Mr Wood exclaimed and clapped his hands. “Darcy I am very impressed. May I ask what memory you used?”

I started to blush sens I had used a memory with Mr Wood.

“Eh, I used the one from the first day I meet you” I said, starring down at my feet. He looked at me funny so I decided to explain.

“Before I meet you I had never seen a wizard and it felt very nice, no more then very nice, it felt amazing to know that I wasn´t the only one with “powers” I said shy.

I had grown up being the daughter of the one and only Harry Styles. Yes, you herd me right. I am a fifteen year old witch and my father is one of the most famous people on the planet. You can guess how chocked my parents and my sisters were when Professor McGonagall came to our house and told me that I had been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

I have always been different form my sisters and when I was about nine funny things started to happen. One time I got so mad at a paparazzi that I wished that his camera would break and it did. The lens just cracked.

But to Hogwarts I wasn´t aloud to go. They could´t send Harry Styles youngest daughter away to a school of magic. That was just not happening. I was devastated sens I have always felt so out of place with in the certifiable world. But dad could´t just let the fact that I was a witch be so I got a private tutor, Mr Woods, so that I could stay close to home, hiding, and no one would suspect a thing. I mean talk about scandal, not just that there actually are wizards and witches but the fact that Styles daughter is one.

The Harry's daughters (A Harry Styles/Harry Potter fan fiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now