I have never felt so far away from home

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Darcy´s POV:

I hate this already and I have been here for tops an hour. All these wizards are really getting on my nerves. They all seem so cocky and confident and they don´t seem to think that I am weird which is weird sens everyone in the muggle world thinks that I am weird.

Everything was so confusing here, the food just turns up on your plate and I don´t know if I should laugh or cry.

“Hey I´m Tom” a little boy next to me said and reached out his hand.

“Darcy” I smiled and took it.

“My brother thinks that you´re cute” he smirked and I raised a eyebrow.

“Your brother?” I questioned.

“Yeah you know the big headed idiot over there” he said and pointed at the guy that had wanted me to sit with him before.

“And how do you know that?” I asked him curious. This boy was absolutely adorable.

“He bites his lip and runs his fingers through his hair” he smirked. “It´s a typical sign. I laughed, happy to have found someone to talk to even though he is a eleven year old boy.

When we had finished our meals the headmistress said a few things and then we were sent of to bed.

“First years this way!” a tall red headed boy exclaimed and waved at us to follow him. A girl with long blond hair soon walked up next to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist. I could see how he whispered something in her ear and she giggled adorable.

I want to have something like that I thought jealous.

“Darcy are you coming?” Tom asked me and reached out his hand. I gave him a light smile and took it. I have to settle with a little eleven year old for now. We weren´t the only ones holding hand, a lot of the terrified first years did the same so I did´t feel all to stupid. We walked up the moving stairs and through the portrait of the fat lady.

“Alright boys will be sleeping there” the red head boy said and pointed in one direction.

“And girls will be sleeping there” the blond girl said and pointed in another direction. “Except for you Darcy, you will be sleeping with the other fifth years” she smiled and I nodded.

I followed her up the stairs and into a very cozy room with canopy beds. The girls that already was in there stop up for a second and starred at me. But just for a second before they went back to unpacking their trunks and chatting about their summer. I went over to the only empty bed and started to take out my silk pajamas. Inside it was a picture of my family and one single picture of Jacko in his uniform.

“You´re a muggle born aren´t you?” the blond girl asked me and I nodded.

“How could you tell?” I smiled.

“Your pictures aren´t moving” she said and pointed at them. I glanced over at her nightstand to see the people in her photographs walking around. When I turned back to her she had turned away and started to change just like the other girls. I did the same and soon I slipped down between my warm sheets.

in my life.


I woke up by the sound of the wind outside the window. I glanced at the watch next to my bed and realized that school did´t start for another two hours. But I got up anyway and got dressed in the same black robe I wore yesterday. I grabbed my school bag with the books for the day and some pens and parchment.

I walked through the castle looking for the owl room. James had told me that you could only send mail with owls sens my phone and computer don't work close to Hogwarts. When I finally found it I pulled out a piece parchment and a pen and wrote,

The Harry's daughters (A Harry Styles/Harry Potter fan fiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now