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Lily´s POV:

“Hurry up Rox” I muttered as my slow cousin were busy selling some Weasley wizard wheezes products to some kids. Itエs just not thatエs it illegal for her to sell stuff on the train like that but we really needed to get of and get a carriage.

“Coming” Roxanne replied and finally turned around to walk away with me. Right outside the train was the same girl we had saved from Malfoy´s unpleasant company earlier and she looked really lost. She must be new sens she looked like she was in my age and I had never seen her before.

“Hey if you´re unsure about where to go just ask Hagrid”I told her and pointed at the extremely large man who was being surrounded by first years.

“Thanks, by the way aren´t you James little sister?”she asked me and I nodded surprised.

She smiled and said,

“You´re just as kind as he said”before she headed towards Hagrid and the first years.

I starred at her back when I realized that she must be the famous muggles daughter if she knew my brother.

Darcy´s POV:

“Are you Professor Hagrid?”I asked the giant man who was surrounded by little kids. Most of them seemed scared but a few seem a little bit to cocky. They must have siblings here sens they talk about this Hogwarts like it´s there own pockets.

“Yes I am”he smiled. and you must be Darcy Styles? Right? Professor McGonogall told be that I could expect you this year

“Styles!?”a little girl squeaked and I sighed. Please God! Please don´t let her know who I am!

“Are you THE HARRY STYLES daughter?” a little other girl asked.

“Yes” I sighed. “I did´t know he was big in the magic world as well”.

“He isn´t” the first girl said. “But my mum is a muggle so I have grown up with both worlds”.

Great just great! How many more of these girls can I find here? Fuck this shit, I´m a witch I should just be able to cast some spell and they would all forget it. I did´t have time for more thoughts before we were brought down to a lake and placed in little boats. Soon the castle appeared and just like the little kids I gasped. Diagon Ally was beautiful, Gringotts bank was gorgeous but Hogwarts was MAGICAL!

Albus POV:

The first years walked through the door and everyone tensed up more then usual. There was a older girl with them, a brunette with long curls. She was dressed in a black robe like the rest of them but even though she was the oldest she looked more scared then any of the little children. I could see how my sister whispered something to Roxy and they both starred mesmerized at her.

I turned my eyes back to her as she was standing with her head down. The curls were falling in her face and she looked like any wizard or witch here could slather her.

“Danielle Adams!” Professor Longbottom called out and a little girl with pink hair skipped up and sat down on the pal. She must be a metamorphmagus sens her hair turned bright blue when the hat was placed on her head.

Ravenclaw!” the sorting hat screamed out and we all applaud. She jumped of the pal and she looked very happy as she skipped over to the Ravenclaws.

Next up was a little blond boy that had a face full of freckles. A whispered spread through the girls saying that he was SO adorable.

“He looks just like me” Louis muttered in my ear. I took a look at his Delacoure blond hair and his Weasley freckles.

“Not even close cuz” Rose laughed. “That´s Fredric Alvord and his father owns the “Wicked Witch”.

“The what?” Fred asked confused.

“Cosmetic company for witches” Louis said and rolled his eyes but we got interrupted by Professor Longbottom.

“Chelsea Borg!”.

This girl had dirt blond hair but as soon has the hat touched it it screamed out,


I cheered together with the rest in my house as she smiling walked over to our table and joined us.

The sorting went on and I don´t think I have ever paid so much attention to it before. Then finally Professor Longbottom called her name,

“Darcy Styles!”

And she walked up and sat down on the pal. The room got so quite that you could hear a pin drop and the hat spoke,

I can see that you´re very scared little one. You´re not sure if you´re going to fit in and Hufflepuff can help you feel safe. But I can also see that you are clever, yes, and that means that Ravenclaw is good for you, they can help you become great but maybe your heart is to big for them? Maybe your curiosity will get the better of you?”

“Can you just tell me where to go?” Darcy muttered under her breath but sens it was so quite everyone could hear it.

Someone is a bit impatient” the hay laughed. Yes the hat laughed. “Well then I think it has to be Gryffindor!” he exclaimed and our table cheered louder then it had done all night.

Darcy Styles face turned bright red as she jumped of the pal and gave the hat to Professor Longbottom. As she walked over to our table she glanced over at the Ravenclaw table and I could see how Jacob Adams, Danielle Adams older brother, give her a week smile.

When she was about to sit down with the first years a voice said laud enough so the entire hall could here it,

“Darcy come and sit here with us!”

I turned around to see William Mclaggen and his little friends smile at her. Mclaggen had the biggest ego on this school and girls from the other houses drooled when he talked to them. He was in the same year as my sister and cousins and I am glad that Hugo don´t hang out with him.

“I would´t sit with him if I were you” Roxy exclaimed without even looking at Darcy.

“Shut it Weasel!” Mclaggen mocked her as Darcy sat down with the first years. I felt really bad for her sens no one was watching the sorting anymore and everyone was starring at us. Except for the teachers of course.

“That´s it.” Freddie muttered and got out his wand. Roxy usually did quite well on her own but sens his last name was Weasley as well he got pissed. “Silencio” he muttered and pointed his wand at Mclaggen who was just about to speak but nothing came out. Roxy looked up at us and gave her brother a little smile to say thank you. He smiled back and just like all other siblings they love each other but sometimes you would need the strongest truth serum there is to get them to admit it.

The Harry's daughters (A Harry Styles/Harry Potter fan fiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now