Named Potter

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Lily´s POV:

“ALBUS GET OUT OF THERE!” I screamed and banged on the door. I needed to use the bathroom to fix my hair. I hated being at home sens it meant that I could´t use any magic.

“Go away Lily!” Albus yelled back and I just wanted to blow the door open and kick his ass.

“Stupid selfish older brother” I muttered and turned around to walk away and walked right into James.

“What did ya say sis?” he said cheeky and I I glared at him.

“Nothing” I muttered and pushed him away so that I could pass. I could feel a warm breeze and turned my face to look in the mirror on the wall. My hair looked perfect, literately perfect. James is better then me on this.

“Hey thanks” I smiled at him.

“Any time” he smiled. “By the way I´m not going to follow you to the train”.

“Why not?” I asked sad. This was my first trip to Hogwarts without James and I could´t help but to feel a bit blue. I mean he is my older brother and even if he drives me insane sometimes I love him to death.

“I have to help this girl to the train” he said, pulling me into a tight hug. “Poor girl, her parents can´t even follow her to the station sens they´re “famous”.

“Be careful James” I mumbled.

“I´m not the one going to a school full of horny teenage boys so I think you should be the one that is careful” he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“Did you have to ruin our perfect bother, sister moment?”

“No but seriously Lily. Keep them at least on arm's length”.

“I will” I laughed. He was on his way to ruffle my perfect hair but I ducked down and

walk down to the kitchen were my trunk were waiting for me.

“Are you ready to go?” mum asked me and I nodded.

“Oh I can´t believe my little girl is of to her fifth year at Hogwarts” my dad said and kissed my forehead. “Are you nervous about your O.WL.s?”

“A little I guess but I´ll be fine” I smiled. Grades was the least of my problems. Going back to school to see Jaden was another. Jaden was one of the schools hunks and last year we had kissed, right before we had to go back home again. Talk about crappy timing.

“Now where is your brother?” mum asked and I shrugged. Who knew.

Albus POV:

“Ready?” Lily smirked at me and I pushed her light.

“I´ve done this just as many times as you” I told her and started to run towards the barrier between platform 9 and 10 that lead to platform 9¾.

Lily, mum and dad followed me close and I smiled when I saw the familiar red train. I spotted Rose, Hugo, Roxanne, Freddy and Louis and my aunts and uncles. If people did´t know who´s kids we were they would never take us all for cousins. Rose looked like a spitting image of her mother except for the fiery red hair and her brother Hugo also had the typical Weasley hair. Roxanne were everyone’s opposite with her dark skin and black hair. Freddy, her brother looked like uncle George and Louis like uncle Bill but blond. Lily fitted in nicely with the redheads but I got black hair like my dad.

A lot of hugs were exchanged before we finally could get on the train. Rose, Lily and Roxanne are all daddy´s girls so we had to wait for them to hug their fathers good by a little longer then we had time for. When we finally got onto the train Louis muttered,

“Great girls, now we wont have anywhere to sit”.

“You maybe wont” Rose smirked and slipped into one of the compartments where her friends were sitting. I thought I could here Louis mutter something insulting in french after her. We made our way down the hall, searching for friends and somewhere to sit. When we walked through a door and into the next wagon I sighed. We were now in the Slytherin wagon and I could see Malfoy standing in the aisle, talking to some brunette.

“Come on babe, tell me what school you used to got to” he said, giving her a grouse sexy smile.

“I just want to find somewhere to sit” she mumbled and looked down on her feet. Her cheeks were light red and she looked like she did´t know where she was. Must be from another school.

“Malfoy!” Lily exclaimed and he turned around to look at her. Lily was powerful. Being named Potter and being the spitting image of our mother who had been quite the hottie in her younger days (according to every old classmate of mum and dads) she did´t have to worry about telling of some older kids.

“Leave the poor girl alone, she obviously don´t want to talk to you” she said.

“What are you going to do about it Potter?” he snorted.

“Nothing” I said and snatched my wand.“I am going to do this” Malfoy flew up in the air, hanging by his ankle upside down.

The girl dodged away into the nearest compartment and we continued our walk. Right before we left the wagon I snatched my want again and Malfoy fell down onto the floor.

Darcy´s POV:

The redhead had shouted at the blond boy that had been talking to me. He was handsome but to much like James, to forward and to sure about that I was going to melt. I sank down on the seat in the compartment and I looked up to see a boy, a brown haired boy with glasses. He was wearing a black robe with a blue emblem on.

“Hi” I said, not louder then a whisper but he snatched like if I had screamed.

“H-h-hi” he stuttered. I took a deep breath and thought here goes nothing. I had to make at least one friend and this boy looked nice enough.

“I´m Darcy” I told him.

“Jacob” he muttered back. “You´re new right? I have never seen you before”.

“Yep” I nodded.

“So Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?” he asked me.

“Excuse me?”

“Which school did you go to? You don´t sound french or Norwegian” he stated.

“Eh, I´ve been home schooled” I mumbled.

“Ah, that explains why Potter had to cast a spell on Malfoy for you. Obviously not use to meeting other wizards” he smiled. He wasn´t mean but I still got worried. Was it normal here to enchant each other? And Potter, that´s the same last name that James got and he did say he has a brother and a sister.

“Potter is that the black haired boy?” I asked.

“Yeah and the little redhead” Jacob said. “Lily and Albus Potter, they must be the most popular kids in school. But even though Lily is sweet and beautiful...” he interrupted himself and blushed.

“Do you fancy her?” I asked him and he blushed.

“It doesn´t matter” he muttered. “Every boy in school want her and I am on the opposite quidditch team so it would never work out, her brother would kill me”.

“How old are you Jacob?” I asked to change the subject sens he was now very embarrassed.

“Sixteen. You?”

“Fifteen” I said and looked at the nice boy in front of me. He seemed sweet, kinda dorky but that´s exactly what I need. No drama and someone that wont make fun of me when I ask about the life here. I was actually on my way to ask about quidditch but I realized that James had told be about the game with the broomsticks. He had insisted on me buying one so that I could try out for the team. Not that I´m athletic but I guess it will give everyone else a good laugh.

The Harry's daughters (A Harry Styles/Harry Potter fan fiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now