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( Y/N's pov)

"(Y/n), wake up the train just stopped. " I hear Fred saying. I open my eyes slightly, and notice the small bit of drool running down my cheek. I quickly wipe it off before anyone can notice.

" What do you want?" I ask groggily, lifting my head off of the window.

" The train just stopped, " George says, looking out of the compartment door.

''Why would it do that?"

"Absolutely no clue." Lee says, continuing to nonchalantly file his nails.

We luckily don't have to wait long for our answer. A little blonde boy comes screaming into our apartment, "What the hell happened to you, Malfoy?" Fred asks, wrinkling his nose at the quivering boy.

"De-de-de..." He stutters, helplessly

"Use your big boy words," George chortles. We all have a laugh before I look outside of the compartment. Standing just outside is a large, black, hooded creature. 

" Oh, Godric! It's a dementor!" I shout, sitting up taller, watching as he glides down the aisle.

"What the fuck is that thing?" George squeaks.

"Are you fucking deaf I just said it was a dementor." I look over at him. He grabs onto Lee's arm tightly.

"Ow, loosen up mate." Lee tries to wiggle away from him, but to no avail.

The dementor doesn't pay any attention to us, he just continues floating away. I look down at the ground to see my cousin curled up into a ball, still shaking, "He's gone, you can stop crying now."

Draco looks around for a second before standing up and dusting himself off.

"Black" Draco says nodding his head.

"Malfoy" I sneer back, disgusted to think that I'm related to this pathetic thing.

Draco turns towards the door and quickly walks out. We all stare at each other before bursting out into laughter.


The train abruptly stops again causing me to look out the window. "Well looks like we're actually here this time." Lee jokes.

We all scurry to our feet, trying to be the first people off of the train. You know friend groups, everything's always a race with us. I win this race, obviously. It's pouring down rain when I step outside, and I realize that I had forgotten my umbrella.

I hold my hands helplessly over my head. Before I know it, I'm standing under a bright yellow umbrella. I look up to see Fred holding said umbrella over the two of us, "Thanks, Freddie."

"Anytime, Sunshine. Don't want the witch to melt." I scoff and hit him lightly, "I'm just joking. Everyone knows that it's only nice witches who melt."

"Fred Weasley, I am the nicest witch you have ever met and you know it," This causes both of us to laugh, knowing of course that this is a lie.

Everyone is soaked by the time we get to the carriages, luckily they had the sense to put covers on them this year. I'm the only one who can see what's pulling the carriages out of my friend group, seeing that when I was two I saw my mother die shortly before Sirius was taken to prison.

Honestly I believed my father was innocent. Though no one else did. I never really talked about the topic much to anyone except Fred, whom I felt I could just pour my heart out to.

He never judged me, and let me tell him things that I'd never tell anyone else. I don't think I even have a secret I haven't told him. Well yes actually, I do keep the fact that I'm in love with him a secret.

Sunshine (Fred x reader)Where stories live. Discover now