The Dark Mark

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"There's no one like Krum." Ron says passionately, standing on a table.

"Krum. Dumb Krum." The twins chant.

"He's like a bird the way he rides the wind." Ron continues his speech, as the twins keep chanting Krum. "He's more than an athlete. He's an artist."

"I think you're in love, Ron." Ginny remarks joining in on the mocking of Ronald.

"Shut up."

"Victor I love youuuuu." George sings.

"Victor I dooooooooo." Fred joins.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for youuuuuuu." Harry and I sing together.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." George remarks.

"That's not the Irish." Arthur begins. "We need to get out of here. Fred, George, Y/n, Ginny is your responsibility. Get to the port key." We all look at him, wondering what he means.

Fred grabs my hand and George grabs Ginny's. We run to the forest with the rest of the crowd. Trying not to collide with anyone. Luckily, none of us slip away. Fred pulls Ginny over to him and hugs her tightly.

"Wait, where are Harry, Ron, and Hermione?" I ask, starting to panic. I look around for them, but don't see them anywhere. I stand up on a rock to try and get a better look

"I'm sure there fine. They've dealt with worse." Fred reassures me, climbing onto the rock and putting his arm around my shoulder.

He's right. They had been through a lot worse. I try to think positively, they probably just ran to a different part of the forest. I look up at the sky and gasp.

"Are you alright, Sunshine?" Fred asks.

There it is. The dark mark. "Freddie, look." I point upwards. I had never seen it in person, only in pictures, or drawings.

"Oh shit." George gasps.

"Language." Ginny snaps.

"Oh schist." 

"That's just in German," she complains.

I look back out of the forest to see another tall red head running towards us. "Oh thank Godric! Charlie!" I say, hopping off the rock and running towards him. I wrap my arms around his torso, which he reciprocates.

"Where are the others?" He asks Fred.

"We don't know, they didn't come with us." 

"Wait, you don't know if they're okay?!" I yell, panicking even more than before. I let go of Charlie.

"Bill, Percy, and Dad are all ok. We just haven't seen any of you. Those three might be at the port key already. Hopefully." He says unconvincingly. 

We start to walk to where the portkey is. Arthur, Bill, and Percy are all there already, along with Cedric and Amos. I run over to Cedric and give him a tight hug, "We were getting worried about you guys. Where's Harry?" He asks, hugging me back.

"We don't know, we got split up. Charlie said he was going to go look for them," I tell him, trying not to cry.

He let's go and looks at me, "I'm sure they're alright."

"Did you see the Dark Mark?" I ask, looking at the ground.

"Yes, we were running here when I looked up. I didn't think it was possible," He sighs, "I thought this was over." He sits down in the grass, I sit down next to him.

"Me neither, I thought that I'd never see that in person, I thought it was over." He places a hand on my back.

"Hey, I owe you a cake don't I?" He asks, obviously trying to change the subject.

I laugh and let it change, "Yes you do. I told you that it was all in the Chasers."

"I guess I don't give them as much respect as they deserve," I smile at him. 

Fred's POV

I watch her smile and laugh with Cedric, and a part of me dies inside. That was always my job, to cheer her up, to make her smile, to comfort her. Now it's been taken over by a member of a boy band.

"You good mate? You've been staring for a hot minute," George nudges me.

I snap out of it, "Yeah, I'm good. Just worried about our brother, is all."

Minutes later, Charlie and Dad come back with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I watch as Y/n jumps up and immediately runs to hug them.

We head back before it's too late. Mum's crying when we get home, blubbering on about how the last thing she had said to us was mean. 

Everyone goes to bed except for me, I stay in the living room to wallow in my pity. 

I don't know how much time passes by, but eventually I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I hear the sink in the kitchen turn on, and I hear more footsteps coming towards the living room. 

"Freddie," I turn to see y/n, holding a glass of water. "What are you doing awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," I say, in truth I probably could, I just hadn't tried.

"Me neither," She walks over and sits next to me. "Is something troubling you? You seem off today."

I look at her, trying to come up with a lie, "Isn't everyone off today?"

"I mean, before all that," She stares at me.

"I'm fine, Sunshine, nothing's bothering me."

She looks at me as if she's trying to decide whether or not I'm telling the truth, "Alright, whatever you say."

She lays her head down on my shoulder, "What'd you Cedric talk about? Did you ask him out?"

She sighs, "No, it didn't feel right. We were saying how strange it was to see the mark. I didn't think I'd ever have to see it."

"I didn't either, I thought they'd gotten over it." 

"I don't think they'll ever get over it," We both stay silent a while longer, "Well, I'm exhausted, I'm going to bed."

"I should probably go too," We both stand up.

Y/n's POV

I look up, and notice that we're standing awfully close. We stand in silence for a moment, our faces starting to get closer. Every fiber in me wants to lean in closer and kiss him, but that would ruin everything. I back away, "Goodnight, Freddie."

"Goodnight, Sunshine." Neither of us moves, and I decide to just do it. To hell with my worries. I kiss him lightly, and to my surprise, he kisses me back. He grabs a hold of my waist, and I wrap my arms around his neck. We both stop and look at each other, "I'll see you in the morning."

We let go of each other and go up to our separate rooms. What the hell just happened? I just kissed Fred Weasley, and he kissed me back. Maybe he's just tired. He obviously doesn't like me like that. He told me to ask Cedric out for heaven's sake.

I sit down on my bed, overthinking. What if you just completely ruined your friendship? What if he never wants to speak to you again? What if he'll tell George, and then George will tell Lee, and then none of you will be friends anymore? 

I don't sleep another wink that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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