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I wake up in the morning knowing that it will be a great day. Uncle Remus had become our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, which made me ecstatic. He visits me every once in a while, but that would be nothing in comparison to seeing him every day. I have his class first thing, and then I only have Transfiguration and Muggle Studies, so today will be easy. 

I scurry around my dorm getting ready for the day, but stop in my tracks when I hear something tap at my window. I look out to see a brown owl sitting on the sill. "Hi, Kevin," I say, letting my owl inside. He triumphantly holds his leg out, to show me the letter wrapped around his ankle, "Why, thank you." I hold out and handful of bird seed for him to munch on.

I look at the blank envelope curiously before opening it. Inside is squiggly handwriting that says;

Dear Y/n,
I do hope you are doing well.
I miss you more than anything, and would like to see you tonight.                                                                 I will be down by the black lake tonight at 7:30. If you are willing to see me.                                             -Anonymous

I reread the note twice before putting it down and heading down stairs. "Hello, my favorite Weasleys." I say, walking over to my friends. "Do either of you know about that letter I found in my room this morning?" I raise an eyebrow, assuming it's just some stupid prank.

"No." They say in unison.

"Hmm, alright then," I say, not entirely believing them. "Where's Lee?"

"Knowing him probably off snogging Katie." George jokes, in a jealous tone. Me and Fred both chuckle.


"Which one of you can tell me what a Boggart is?" Uncle Remus asks, surveying the room.

I raise my hand, and he points at me. "A Boggart is a shape shifter. It changes into whatever makes the person in front of it fears most." I recall what he used to tell me as a young girl, about his being the moon, Dad's being his mother, Uncle James's was his loved one's dead at his feat, and Uncle Peter's was his friend's betraying him. Boggarts can be very intense. 

"Excellent. 5 points to Gryffindor. Now I was fortunate enough to come across one of these creatures the other day. Dumbledore was kind enough to let me use it in my class." He says beaming with joy. " Now the spell to repel this creature is Riddikulus, the most important aspect of this spell is for you to think of something funny. Everyone repeat after me. Riddikulus. "

'Riddikulus' everyone repeats.

"Alright, I think you're ready. Erm, Miss Belle why don't you go first." Remus steps back and unlocks the wardrobe as Katie steps forward.

The wardrobe opens wide, and we all watch as a snake slithers its way out and towards her, "Riddikulus!" She squeals, and the snakes turns into a piece of pasta

"Well done, now everyone form a line." Angelina goes next, the piece of pasta quickly transforms into a small rat, skidding around the ground, she yells out the spell and suddenly the rat stops running, he now has a small sombrero sitting on top of his head. We all laugh at the sight of it, and continue on.

 We all laugh at the sight of it, and continue on

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