Break in

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Y/n pov

It's been a few days since the Hogsmead incident, and Angelina is still not talking to me. It makes me feel awful, Angie is one of my best friends, and I feel just terrible that I made her upset. I've tried apologizing practically a thousand times, but she won't accept it.

Anyway, I start to get tired, and decide to go up to the common room. Fred asks to come with me, and I obviously don't decline. We both climb the stairs side by side, but stop suddenly at the sound of a young girl screaming.

Fred glances up to see why she's screaming and gasps. "Y/n, the fat ladies gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?" I ask looking up, confusion plastering my face.

Suddenly, the rest of the Gryffindor house is running towards us, Percy marching in front of everyone saying 'I'm head boy' and 'move out of the way I'm in charge'. We both role out eyes at his nonsense.

"Somebody get Dumbledore." Percy commands, once he gets to the door. But that was no need because right as he orders that Dumbledore walks up beside me.

He give me a wink with his twinkling eyes, probably because I'm holding onto Fred's hand. He and my mother have a bet on who I would end up with. Dumbledore was betting on me and Fred, and mum was betting on me and Cedric Diggory. Of course, neither of them know that I know that, but Madame Pomfrey had let it slip once when I was knitting with her.

"Filch, gather up all the ghosts and send them to look for the fat lady." Dumbledore says.

"There will be no need for that. She's hiding right there. I would be scared to if I were her. He's got a very bad temper.... that Sirius Black." Says the cackling voice of Peeves.

Everyone gasps, well except Fred and me. Some give me looks, others whisper quite loudly about me and my father. I reach my hand up and fiddle with my necklace, "Everyone change out of your uniforms and go straight to the great hall." Dumbledore demands.

I look down and notice I'm still holding Fred's hand so I let go, causing him to grab it right back. "Your going to keep me safe from the murderer right?" He asks in a very posh voice. I role my eyes and hit him lightly.

"Of course I'll keep you safe madame." I respond. Angelina glares at me, so I quickly let go of his hand again. 


I lay down in the sleeping bag that's laying on the cold, hard floor of the Great Hall, and try to fall asleep. I start thinking of why Dad would possibly do something like this. Maybe he really isn't innocent. Maybe he just lied to me. No, he wouldn't do that, would he? He must have had a reason.

I toss and turn for a while until I hear a voice, "Can you sleep?" Fred whispers.

"Not at all," I stare up at the ceiling full of stars, "I just don't understand why he did it."

"You probably shouldn't talk about that in here," He makes a very good point.

"You're right. Maybe I can get Dumbledore to let us leave," He smiles which I take as a go for it. I stand up and make my way over to him, "Oh dearest professor, whom I love so dearly. You know how you and Mcgonagall have a bet?"

"Don't forget Severus." Dumbledore corrects me. Which is new information to me.

"Yes, yes. Well, you know how you want to win. Could me and Fred-"

"Yes, absolutely. You can do whatever." He says interrupting me. He smiles brightly at me.

I smile, thank him, and walk back to Fred. I give him a thumbs up, and we walk out of the cold room to an even colder outside.

"How the bloody hell did you do that," He asks, sounding amazed.

"I have my ways Weasley," I wink.

"Oh we're on a last name basis are we? Alright then Black."

"Oh shut up, would you?" I say, playfully hitting him.

I find a nice spot of grass and sit down, beckoning him to sit down as well. 

"It's the perfect night out," I say, as Fred positions himself next to me. I look at all of the real stars in the sky. "Actually, maybe just a tad to cold."

He chuckles, "I don't think we came out here so you could talk about the weather."

"I know," I say and wrap my arms around my legs, "I'm just having doubts now. I don't understand why he would do that. It makes him seem very violent."

Fred put a hand on my back, "I'm sure there was a reason. He didn't seem violent when we talked to him."

"Maybe he used that to try and lure us into some kind of trap, and now he's going to come back and kill us both," I shake my head.

"I won't let him kill you," Fred says, causing me to blush, "If he tries, I'll just put George in front of us, and we can run away." I laugh at the thought of it.

Fred moves closer to me, and wraps his arm around my shoulders, I rest my head on his shoulder, "Thank you."

"For what?" He asks.

"For listening," I smile slightly.

Fred's Pov

"Always," I say, truthfully. I want to tell her how I could listen to her for days, and never get tired of hearing her voice, how I could forever stay silent if it meant that she would fill the silence with her words. I don't say any of this, of course. We just sit there, silently, enjoying each other's company.

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