Heart break

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Fred and I arrive back to the common room right before curfew. Which makes Fred sad, "You're telling me, that we just talked to a supposed murderer, and didn't even break a single rule?"

"Shhh, someone will hear you," I whisper, trying not to laugh. He sighs deeply.


I wake up in the morning to Angeline violently shaking me awake "What do you want." I groan, rolling over.

"Wake up we're going to Hogsmead." She exclaims, ripping off my blanket.

"What the hell was that for!" I whisper yell, trying to get it back.

"You won't wake up if I don't. Also, I'm gonna ask Fred today." I clap excitedly.

"Oh, I'm so excited for you!" I say as convincing as possible. Angelina smiles and skips off to get ready.

I stand up and get ready for the day, I throw on something warm. I'm happy for Angelina, but I love Fred and now I'll never get the chance to tell him. But Angie's one of my best friends, and if this will make her happy, then I guess I'll find someone else.

I head down to the common room and sit next to Lee. "And to what do I owe this privilege?" He asks, wrapping a platonic friendship arm around me.

"Well kind sir, I wanted to sit next to my best friend." I smile at him.

"Oi!" The twins exclaim in unison.

"Come on I love you all equally. Besides we all know my best friend is Dumbledore." They all laugh.


Angelina is quite nervous when we got into the carriages. She sits next to me, clutching my arm. Fortunately for her no one else notices. Unfortunately for me my arm starts going to sleep.

I keep telling myself that this will be a good thing, for everyone. Fred and Angie will be happy together, Fred and I won't ruin our friendship, and Mum will win her bet.

The carriage comes to a slow stop, and we all get out, Angelina still clutching my arm.

Fred walks over to us and wraps his arm around my shoulder, which causes me to tense up a bit. Angelina looks at me, with an upset glare for allowing it. I decide not to ask Fred to take his arm off my shoulder. He's my best friend. Though I would never admit it, as it would go straight to his head, and he would never let it go.

"Angie, are you ok? You look a bit pale." Alicia states. Angelina glares at her and nods, unleashing me from her grip.

I softly chuckle as we enter The Three Broomsticks. Lee of course has to pay, seeing he lost a bet. Everyone sits down, except Lee who looks angry. Fred sits down next to me, causing Angelina to glare, but I don't pay attention to her.

Lee walks over to us with all of our drinks and slams them down in front of all of us. "Well someone's a bit angry." I say, causing Fred to chuckle.

"Fred can I talk to you... privately." Angelina speaks up. Fred nods, and they walk out together.

George looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "She's going to ask him out Georgie."

George bursts out in laughter, "Oh Godric she's gonna get her heart broken." I look at him questioningly. "Well it's just that he's in love with someone else."

Just as he finished Fred opens the door looking uncomfortable, and walks over to sit back next to me. "I think Angelina is a little bit angry at me."

"Why would you say that?" Lee asks.

"She asked me out, and I said no." Fred says taking a drink of his butterbeer. I stare at him, confused.

"Why?" I thought that he for sure liked her back.

He gives me a look, "I just don't see her like that."

I look out the window to see Angelina glaring at me. " I'm gonna go check on her." I say standing up.

I open the door and walk over to her. "Was it your plan to get my heart broken?" She has tears in her eyes.

"Angelina, I had no clue he liked someone else. I really thought he shared feelings with you." I tell her, hoping she won't kill me in my sleep.

"Well, I'm going back to Hogwarts. No point in staying here and embarrassing myself more" I nod and watch her storm away.

Fred's POV

I feel bad for Angelina, but I'm not going to date someone that I don't have feelings for.

The only person I would ever date is Y/N. I don't think she likes me back though. So I'll wait until I know for a fact. I mean that is what I'm supposed to do. I don't want to make it awkward between us. Her friendship is the most important thing in the world to me.

She comes back in with a solemn look on her face, she slides back into her seat next to me, "Sorry."

"What for?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

She looks around at everybody else, all caught up in their own conversations, "I kind of was the one that told her to just tell you how she felt. I know you like it when people are straight forward, so I gave her that advice. I really thought you liked her back"

I stare at her for a second, realizing that she obviously doesn't like me back if she was willing to tell that to Angie, "Not your fault, you were just trying to help her out." She smiles up at me. Her eyes shining brightly, it's the smile that I fell for, the smile that I always crave.

"Don't you agree that Transfiguration is green, DADA is yellow, Charms is purple, and Potions in blue?" Lee turns and asks y/n.

"What? No, Transfiguration is green, DADA is yellow, but Charms is blue, and Potions is purple." She states matter of factly, but very wrong.

"No, you're both wrong," I say, "Transfiguration is red, DADA is brown, Charms is blue, and Potions is green."

We all continue to argue about which color goes with which class until it's time to go back to the castle.

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