7 - *A Battle of the Ages*

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Chapter 7 – A Battle of the Ages

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Chapter 7 – A Battle of the Ages

The inside of the quinjet fell quiet as New York City came into view. The sight of strange alien aircrafts racing out of the portal stunned the jets occupants. Wreaking havoc as they terrorised the innocent citizens of the city with a barrage of attacks.

"Oh my God." Steve murmured; his eyes fixed on the vanguard of the Chitauri army.

Ophelia's stomach lurched in sudden terror. Not for her own wellbeing, she was far past having any regard for that, but for her mother's. Laying in a hospital bed, out of touch from a world that looked to be on the brink of chaos.

The thought of these creatures laying a hand on her mama was more than enough motivation for Ophelia.

Loki would lose this day, or she would die fighting.

"Stark, we're heading north east." Natasha connected to Starks comms, Clint smoothly guiding the jet between buildings and hostiles.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Tony answered back; armoured up in his Iron Man suit and weaving expertly between buildings. A pack of Chitauri flyers on his tail.

Natasha released a machine gun attached to the quinjet, waiting for just the right moment of impact. Rapidly, Stark raced in front of the jet, bringing the Chitauri flyers in range for Natasha to fire at them. She laid waste to the invaders as Clint flew the jet to Stark Towers.

"I spy a little bitch that's about to die." Ophelia hummed, spotting Loki on the roof of the tower as he fought Thor.

She ignores the slightly louder throat clearing from Steve, enjoying his distaste for her language use. Clint's cheek twitched in amusement before he turned the quinjet to face the duelling gods.

Natasha carefully aims and fires the machine gun, letting loose a volley of bullets at Loki. But the god effortlessly dodges the shots fired and aims his sceptre at the jet. Firing his own energy blast, he strikes the quinjet, causing one of the jets wings to catch fire.

The quinjet teeters dangerously, alarms blaring as the group lose velocity and start edging to the ground. Steve and Ophelia hold on to the railings tightly as the jet spirals out of control. Hanging in mid-air until a rough landing in the middle of the street yanks them to the ground. 

"I'm honestly surprised that didn't kill us." Ophelia muttered as the cockpit opened. Clint and Natasha hurrying out of their seatbelts as Steve bounded onto the street.

Ophelia quickly made sure to pull her mask up before stepping out, no need to cause a raucous at school the next day. She had enough problems with her Physics teacher; she didn't need to add superhero alter ego to that list.

"We gotta get back up there." Cap shouts out as the group runs to the centre of the street, past panicked civilians trying to get to safety and the broken remains of Lower Manhatten.

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