16 - *Be Gentle*

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Chapter 16 – Be Gentle

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Chapter 16 – Be Gentle

The penetrative gazes of the High Council bore into Ophelia's skull as she stood at the makeshift stand in the middle of the chambers. Abruptly the centurion Daerra took out a metallic collar of sorts and clipped it to the brawler's neck. Ophelia flinched away from the close contact as a series of rapid beeps came from the collar.

"Now what the hell is happening here on this day?" She questioned; her voice pitched in anxiety. "What did you just put on me?"

"It's a cerebral scanner." Daera dully intoned as she stood back from Ophelia, "It monitors the electrical impulses of your brain and detects if you're telling the truth."

"And what happens if I lie?" Ophelia shifted her neck at the uncomfortable tightness of the collar.

"A wave of electricity will be sent to your brain, effectively killing you." Daera mildly answered before joining the rest of the military personnel at the foot of the throne.

A croak of shock escaped Ophelia's lips, the bite of unease lingering in her throat as she became vividly aware of the collar clasped around her neck. A single misstep from the truth and she'll die before she could legally drink in the US. She didn't know if that was just plain sad or embarrassing.

"Okay, can you explain the mechanics of this? What do you define the truth as? Is the omission of the truth the same as a lie to this thing?" Ophelia rapidly asked to a retreating Daera, earning a glare of annoyance from the centurion.

"Don't look at me like that, you're not the one whose life hangs in the balance because of a philosophical argument." Ophelia huffed in frustration.

"An omission will not kill you." The deep and smooth voice of the apparent leader spoke from his place on the throne, a closer look showed smaller shoulders and aristocratic facial features. "The people of this world value the truth highly, that's all we want from you."

"At this point, I think I'm more clueless than you. I don't even know what world I'm on." The brawler breathed out a laugh of disbelief at the situation she had found herself in. A curious look crossed his face, the fact Ophelia still stood meant she was telling the truth.

"Please state your full name and planet of origin to begin the questioning procedure." He continued.

"My name is Ophelia Valentina Delacour and I'm from planet Earth, though I'm pretty sure you call it something different. Unless you've visited Earth before, in which case I'm sorry for you." Ophelia explained, her nose scrunching at the thought of these nine-foot-tall behemoths somehow hiding on Earth.

"I don't believe I've heard of that planet before." The leader mutters to one of his aides, turning to them for answers but they lifted their huge shoulders in confusion.

"I've heard the Asgardians call it Midgard if that helps." She sniffed as she rocked back and forth on her heels to expel the nervous tension in her body.

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