24- *To Recap*

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Chapter 24– To Recap

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Chapter 24– To Recap

Avengers Tower, New York


A Titan was a being worthy of fear.

You'd expect a Titan to be sat on a throne; ruling the world with an iron fist. To be unmatched in power and authority as they conquered everything their eyes touched.

Unfortunately, this Titan was glaring balefully at an incomplete exterior model. Her chin resting on top of her hands as she sighed with exhaustion.

"Stupid Maths. Why does Architecture even have maths?" Ophelia grumbled; a scowl painted on her lips as she looked hopelessly at the neoclassical building she had been trying to design for the better part of two weeks, "I just wanted to make pretty buildings; I'm not built for equations."

To pass time, Ophelia casually spun one of her many pens in the air. She manipulated its gravitational field to float in lazy circles with mindless ease, a far cry from her previously stained efforts to manipulate gravity. She pouted despondently at the pages of measurements she needed to calculate.

"Did you know that there are more stars in the observable universe than there are grains of sand in the world?" A voice suddenly called out.

Ophelia's head shot up with a wide uncontrollable grin, turning back to see Natasha stroll into the tower's library with a tablet in hand. All traces of her previous annoyance had seemingly vanished.

"Have you been doing research on me Romanoff?" Ophelia asked with a cheeky grin, her dimples in full view.

"I like to be well informed." The Russian replied with a coy smile as she leaned behind Ophelia's chair. Resting her cheek on the brawler's crown as she examined the end of semester project.

"All those stars at your grasp." Natasha said with a smirk, rocking herself back and forth in thought. "I like the idea of a god wrapped around my little finger."

"Um Titan, excuse me." Ophelia jokingly corrected as tilted her head to look at Natasha, "If you wanted a god you have the wrong blonde."

"And what a big bad Titan you are." The Romanoff lightly teased, tapping the Delacour's jaw fondly before turning her focus back to the incomplete project. "How far are you with the school project."

"Not even halfway." Ophelia sighed tiredly, her shoulders drooping slightly.

"And when's it due?" Natasha asked.

"Five days!" Ophelia cried out, dislodging the redhead's position by slamming her head on the table with a loud groan. "I'm so fucked."

"Destroying any braincells you have left won't help you." Natasha chuckled as she gently eased Ophelia upright. A scowl of petulance on the Delacour's face as she looked at the never-ending work her university seemed to give her.

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