41 - *Forgive Me, Little Sister*

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Chapter 41 – Forgive Me, Little Sister

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Chapter 41 – Forgive Me, Little Sister

There were many words you could use to describe Yelena Belova. She was ruthless, clinical, efficient, callous and in many ways the perfect Widow.

But one thing that seemed to escape people's attention was the fact that Yelena Belova was intelligent. Not in the same way that Tony Stark was intelligent with his machines and blueprints, or Bruce Banner was intelligent with his equations and formulas.

No, Yelena was intelligent when it came to people, specifically when it came to fighting people. The blonde-haired Widow had a strategic mind that often remained hidden from the general populous.

Whether because of her own desire to keep her cards close to her chest or stifled by the complete subjugation of her free will under Dreykov, who knew? But Yelena was undeniably smart.

And while the forgotten sister of the Black Widow clung deftly to the ceiling, she put every facet of her accessible intelligence to good use.

'My intended file is located six metres away from their perimeter, any movement in that direction will be noticed and swift action will be taken against me,' Yelena analysed, her eyes fixed on the menacing figure of Atlas as she strode confidently down the section of the archive.

'Attacking Atlas outright is a suicide mission. If her gauntlets don't skewer me, her blasts will,' While the assassin contemplated her next action, the Titan below her suddenly paused in her movement. A spike of unease shot through Yelena as she deliberately slowed her breathing, her muscles taut in preparation as Atlas cocked her head.

"Is anything wrong?" The Sokovian girl beside her asked in trepidation.

"Something's here...watching us," Atlas hummed, slowly moving her feet again as she perused through a cabinet of files. "Might be a camera, might be something else."

"Well that's not creepy at all," The Sokovian muttered under her breathe before copying the Titans actions and skimming through the many files in front of her. "What are we supposed to be looking out for, anyway?"

"Anything coming towards us with guns or knives, or if they have this angry look on their faces like you just bitch slapped th- oh wait you mean the files." Atlas sheepishly trailed off as the Sokovian gave her a blank look.

"Ahem, look for anything after 2014. Rumlow was only in SHIELD for around a decade before the whole Hydra thing went down so his associates are gonna be relatively new." Atlas explained, and when the Sokovian gave a firm nod she returned to her meddling as the Sokovian wandered off to a different collection of files.

'Wanda Maximoff. Newest Avenger with her brother Pietro Maximoff. Enhanced and dangerous, but untrained,' Yelena continued in her observations when the danger of discovery passed.

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