18 - *Midnight Falls*

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Chapter 18 – Midnight Falls

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Chapter 18 – Midnight Falls

Ophelia could feel her heart beating through her ears as she sprinted to the spacecraft hanger. A fully armoured Bill at her heels with his helmet in hand. Craning her neck to look up, she spotted dark shadows forming above the Checkpoint.

"They're coming," Bill grunted as he looked up, collecting a pair of powerful-looking guns and strapping them to his back.

Random flashes of red and green lit up the sky as the Legion of Korbin clashed with Thanos' army. The enemy's attacks hit the planet's defences and rippled across the shield, causing a deep rumble of unease from the soldiers around her.

"Let's not keep them waiting," Ophelia answered back, a grimace on her lips as she looked up at the destruction.

At the end of the hanger, Daera was fixing herself into her armour. Her legionnaires scrambled to different ships to fulfil their orders. Some were sent to prepare for the front lines in fighter ships while others were ordered to protect the Checkpoint from within. Those legionnaires were loaded onto huge transport crafts carrying supplies and weapons

It was a sickening realisation to Ophelia that some of these people won't return from this battle.

"Delacour, fly up to the south entrance we've got an attempted breach." Daera urgently ordered as she spotted Ophelia, her holographic comm showing the carnage up above.

"On it Deedee, and might I say you're looking fine for the end of the world." Ophelia flirted; her eyes still nervously fixed on the space battle above her as she back away to open space.

"Okay first, never call me that again. And second, there's a time and a place Delacour." Daera huffed at the impotent girl.

"Exactly, we have an army above our heads. It's the perfect time." She wagged her eyebrows at the Daera as the centurion groaned under her breath.

"We're not even the same species." She muttered.

"Leave some for when we get there," Bill called out as he moved to join his comrades in the transport ship.

"Nuh-uh, you're coming with me," Ophelia answered and before Bill could protest, she used her strength to collect the 9-foot-tall alien in her arms and shoot up in the air.

It was debatable whether the high-pitched noise coming from them was the wind or Bill shrieking.

Ophelia soared through the air with poise and grace, feeling complete control over her body as she flew to the Checkpoint. Implanted in her forearm was a miniscule cybernetic chip that allowed her to pass through the shield.

Injected into every single Legionnaire, it was the ultimate mark of trust for Ophelia to have been given that access. Quite a few Korbinites protested the decision initially, most notably Frontman Iado, the very same soldier who had tried to kill her on her first day. 

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