39 - *I've Got A Bad Idea*

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Chapter 39 – I've Got A Bad Idea

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Chapter 39 – I've Got A Bad Idea

"Okay wait a sec- wait just one minute, please? Repeat your plan slowly." Wanda pleaded to an excitable Ophelia who was practically bouncing off the walls at this point.

There was a part of Wanda that felt undiluted terror at the near-insane glint in the French girl's eyes. The last time she had seen that glint in her eyes, the youngest Delacour had decided to carry a city on her back.

But a bigger, louder, stronger part of her felt unbridled warmth at the energy expressed by the brawler.

The past week had been one of the most painfully dismal weeks of her life. The dull throb of her injuries slowly healing with every breath she took as the feeling of bugs crawling on her skin overwhelmed her. The pain of feeling the mental anguish of every person in this tower as they mourned and grieved and reached the tipping point of their anger.

With long drawls of monotony broken up by the stubborn presence of her brother and Ophelia, Wanda's passage of time blurred until they brightened her day. And despite how much she eagerly waited for Ophelia's daily visits as she stampeded into the room, Wanda recognised something intrinsically broken in the girl.

Her laughs were sudden and sharp, crackling with the force of the thunderstorm and taking her by surprise. As if the Titan was taken aback by the fact that she could still laugh.

Her eyes became unfocused at times, while her body was next to Wanda's, her mind drifted to eras long passed. And by the glimmer of pain that crossed her eyes, it was likely better days that she dreamed of.

She had seen Ophelia break into a million pieces before her very eyes, shattering like a thin sheet of ice. And as she struggled to put herself back together, something always happened to make her break again before she could fix herself.

Wanda never expected to feel so strongly about someone other than Pietro's pain. Her brother was the only person she had the energy to care about after the murder of her parents. But Ophelia Delacour was stubborn, she was aggravating and reckless. With the attention span of a squirrel and a painfully optimistic view of life, Wanda thought she'd want nothing to do with her.

How wrong she was.

Because Wanda knew as soon as she had burst into the room with life in her eyes and happiness in her heart, whatever Ophelia asked of her she'd say yes to it.

If only to maintain that life in her eyes that reminded her vividly of the blinding light of the rising sun, she had seen when she first met Ophelia.

"We need a superhero holiday like we need to go somewhere we can chill but kick ass at the same time because you know how we are. We can't sit still for 5 minutes without needing to save the day, so we need to do something to starve boredom while also relaxing." Ophelia rambled as she hopped from one foot to the other.

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