Getting closer

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"So he just...he wears a fedora does he?"
Said RK, as six showed him a drawing on the wall to give RK an idea of what they were looking for.
"Yeah?" She asked puzzled
"Six if we're spending so much time saving a m'lady guy I'm going to rip off your knee caps and make a crypto currency with them"
"That's!....understandable have a great day."
They had a slight laugh about it. They didn't find a tv that let them in in the school. But they did find the teacher dead. They saw that her neck was still in the vents. It had gotten caught and they had assumed she either suffocated or starved to death. It was a very morbid thing to come across. Six was very clearly disturbed by the scene but it wasn't obvious. She still didn't quite get how to make her emotions more obvious to people despite her getting therapy once she brought her and those children from the vents to safety. Eventually her and her therapists decided that she's just someone who will always have a emotionless face most of the time, and that doesn't mean she's horrible, she's just autistic and doesn't handle situations like everyone else.
Despite the dark scene, they trucked onwards. However on the way they did pass by some drawn pictures. The same pictures they were currently looking at. Full circle hm?
"So like. We just keep walking around or?"
"I guess...perhaps sitting in front of a tv with it on for an extended period of time would be better?"
"Probably...just...didn't you tell me about some sort of faceless people? I'd sit like...facing the right...he'd still see your clothes and probably recognize you."
"Good point"
And thus they began to walk around looking for a tv that didn't have someone already watching it. It took quite a bit honestly. With some hopping around. At one point it was too big a drop between two buildings for them both to get across. So they looked around. Six then did what was necessary for him to get across. That being: short and able to get at a button easier. Said button lifted a metal bridge enough for him to get across. However the bridge was a bit broken and didn't reach far enough. so he'd need to reach his hand for her out once he got Across. He jumped and landed quite easily. "Arright georgaline hop on over." He said loudly. She jumped for his hand. He caught her of course "alright, three, two, one" he, with a strong grip pulled her and literally swung her over his head because he over estimated his own strength. She landed on her head
"OW! Really??? That's kinda a new brain I need now. Good god your the one taking me to hospital if I have a concussion."
"Heh...sorry...kinda pulled more than I thought I would..."
They entered through a window into a room with no people watching the already on TV. she, like he suggested earlier. sat facing the right, and waited.
"Soooo to pass the this the reason back at the apartment you sometimes just...touch the screen of the tv? You were never clear with any of us with your story until you found a spell that would let you save him..."
"Oh...yes...I never really expected it to work. have to try right?"
And try she did. She remembered that one instance. Where the boy in the tall hood. This one

Had asked her about it one time

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Had asked her about it one time. It was 3 am. She had awoken from a nightmare about what she did. The eyes, getting closer. Then dropping him. Running for her life as that bridge crumbled around them...then dropping him. The look on his face. The fear in his eyes. His face...his face that looked exactly like the monster who took her...just younger. Then dropping him. The fear she felt realizing they were the same person. Then dropping him. She dropped him. She dropped him, she dropped him, she dropped him.
    She had awoken, shaking and crying quietly. Her hands shook the most out of all her body as she struggled to get out from underneath their couch they had collected. They lived in an cozy sized apartment that six had managed to basically scare the landlord into giving them. It wasn't 100% intentional. Her newfound powers act up when she's upset. They get less controllable the more distress shes in. That's why she accidentally killed all those people in that hallway. The process of gaining those powers was painful after all. However, they had been living there for a couple years at that point. But still six found the most comfort sleeping under the couch. She liked enclosed spaces. They made her feel safer. She walked through the dark living room towards the tv and turned it on. She bit her lips as her soft crying got louder. She put her hand on the screen, her cries got a bit louder when nothing happened. She quietly whispered to herself "I'm sorry" over and over again.
He said, It was "one" as they nicknamed him. But his true name was Arin (AN: That's a headcanon. That isn't the confirmed name).
"Are you...okay?'s not exactly normal...what your doing..."
She just shook her head as he slowly got closer and knelt down to her level "will you finally tell me what you've seen? Now seems like you need it...or do you just, you know...need a compression hug?"
She held two fingers up to tell him to give her the second option. Which he of course did. He was the tallest out of all of them, And he had the second strongest grip. The relationship they had was more of an adoptive sibling kinda bond. Mostly from Arin's side...once he saw her hair he became protective...because it made her look a little bit like his sister...the sister he lost...the sister that made him swore to protect six better than he did with her...the north wind got her...and he wouldn't let something like that happen again. "Feeling any better?"
She nodded a bit. He then gently helped her back under the couch, and sung her to sleep. He wound up her music box for her so she could have it playing as she fell asleep once he finished.
       Coming back to the present though,
        secretly mono was hearing them talk now that that tv was on. His anger died down a bit at that. However he was confused why she didn't tell them about what she did if she really felt guilt. He was quick to become salty with her again. What she did really hurt him. He would have a hard time trusting her again. He wondered why that boy...RK or seven, as he seemed to be called would follow her here. He supposed maybe it was okay that not everyone carried the grudges he had...maybe it's alright to like someone he didn't like...maybe the world didn't revolve around him and his beef. However he still felt pity for that boy. He figured she'd leave him behind eventually, and that he'd feel stupid for ever trusting her in the first place. Just like mono did. However mono wondered if more chance would be alright with him...maybe it had been long enough where he could maybe begin to heal. Or maybe he was just getting desperate to not be in this room anymore. This fucking room. This room that really made it feel like the walls were slowly closing in. This room that felt like it kept getting smaller and smaller as the years went by. He really started feeling trapped around the 2 year mark. Before then he just...cried mostly. He felt so hurt by her and her actions. He really loved her as much as a 10 year old boy could. He really liked finding any excuse to hold her hand as they ran. He thought her quietness and how small she was, was cute. That her voice was soft and wholesome, and he wanted to pat her fluffy hair. He lost hope for her coming back around that time too. However he stayed there. Still waiting for her...he knew he could probably find a way out at any time...but he didn't think it was worth it knowing she was out there. It wasn't worth it knowing that maybe she wanted him to stay there. That maybe he'd prefer the little hope he had of her eventually coming back rather than the bitter potential truth of her never caring about him at all. That maybe ignorance is better than the truth sometimes. However he did really wonder about why oh why did she? He really thought about it again, now that he had heard the information six accidentally Given him. He then realized...her movements...her slight movements...she shifted forward. Their eyes met. She looked at his face...then he really tried to remember her face when it happened...he lightly gasped as he realized what he was too panicked to process from falling the first time...she looked scared when she dropped him...he then really realized that he was the thin man...and she was scared of him. However that realization didn't really help. He didn't want to be in a world where his at the time favorite person was scared of him and left him for dead because of it. He really hoped she wasn't scared of him anymore. Although he figured that maybe...she wouldn't be here if she still was.

    Suddenly RK pointed out to six that the screen occasionally started glitching and briefly showing the door "maybe you can enter now?"
"!! Maybe your right! you think he'll hurt me upon first contact you think maybe he'll torture me like the thin man did all those years ago?..."
"Six...if he does you have magic powers can stop people from can kill people by looking at them. Granted all that magic makes you constantly in chronic pain but I'd think that's still worth it"
"...b-but...I don't want to hurt him..." she started to gently itch her arms anxiously despite them not being itchy
"B-But if he's hurting you..."
"It doesn't matter...I...I kinda deserve it either way don't I?"
"Six...nobody deserves harsh punishment like that if they clearly are trying to fix what they messed up...this isn't...this isn't sexual had a thought you were were realized it didn't help at all...and now your going back to fix it...that doesn't deserve torture..."
"B-But he probably hates me?"
She said, her voice faltering as she got more distressed...little black flurries started to fly around her...that happened when she was extremely upset...her powers are driven by emotion after all.
"Woah woah woah, calm it down. That's not necessary here six, I understand it might be hard to face him because of your anxieties but...facing him whilst crying is better than leaving him there because of anxiety. Go on, if he ends up never wanting to associate with you again. You got your single braincelled friend here to comfort you."
"Hehe...I guess."
She put her hand to the glass. It pulled her in, she was in the tv world now...
"Oh boy..." she said softly. The halls were incredibly echoey...just like when she turned into a monster.

Mono sighed as he wasn't prepared to handle what was about to happen. He wasn't ready to talk with her about this. But he figured he'd have to do it someday...and this might've been his only chance.

She tried walking forward but her movements were slower here. She started running but it was still slow. She began to tear up as she was so scared he'd throw her out before she could even at least see his face again. See the face she used to drop him. See the face she killed with her eyes.

Mono's heart started to race with anxiety as she got closer.

With a relieved sigh she got to the door. She put her hands on it and began to open it to face him.

(DISCONTINUED) Coming home (little nightmares six x mono)Where stories live. Discover now