Finally some fluff

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their journey back isn't important. Let's finally start what you probably came here for and thats
"Sooo where do I sleep?" Asked mono. It was around 9 pm and he was getting tired.
"Well until we can get a bed for you somewhere probably best to keep you on the couch. I sleep under the couch so you won't be alone!"
Six said, looking up at him and smiling slightly.
"Under the couch? Six that can't be comfortable"
"You'd be surprised. Heh..."
"Well I won't be, if I sleep on the couch y-your going to with me, as someone who's had to sleep on the floor for about a decade. No" Mono blushed.
"!! U-Uh I wouldn't mind that I suppose." She tilted her head down so her hair would hide her blush.
      However The door to sevens room was in the living room so he could hear them talking mostly "WHAT A SMOOTH MOTHERFUCKER YOU ARE MONO!"
Six made a flustered "aaaaaa SHUT UP!"
Seven laughed. He may be happy in the friendzone. But he's a dick and he will mess with someone if they see him as a threat. Plus a rivalry might make his life much more interesting.
Mono blushed awkwardly. "A-A...well...Y-You uncomfortable with that now?"
"No not at all. I know seven was just teasing you. He does that to me all the time heh. Even before we left to go find you...he told me "wow your willing to literally travel over 40 miles to get some random boy you followed a decade ago but not willing to do the dishes. 10/10 six. Amazing" to which I told him to shut up. Naturally."
"He's a dick isn't he?"
"He is. But that's why he's fun to be around."
"I know seven. Just like I know that your willing to travel over 40 miles with me to go get said random boy from a decade ago. but not willing to let me sleep in till 9 AM."
"Whatever just be quiet and stop cockblocking us" mono said, salty he hasn't been able to hug her again without seven being seven. So his filter slowly left his body like mine does in large crowds. Like the little dramatic piss boy he is.
"M-Mono? Cockblocking?" Six asked shyly.
"Yeah because like. He keeps talking and it keeps stopping us from you know...doing the huggies"
"The huggies? Oh my god Your adorable I'm sorry"
"A-A" he said blushing quite profusely as he looked down at the floor.
"S-So are you if I'm honest"
Six hid in her sweater also blushing quite a lot now. She shakily hugged her knees and rested her cheek on his shoulder.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK AAAAA" mono thought to himself quite relaxed. He awkwardly patted her head. Debating wether he should do the arm around shoulder thing like a douchebag
       "I like it when people touch my head.." she said quietly. She gently scooted closer to him. So she could rest her cheek on him more.
"Y-You want me to give you head scratches then?"
"Only if you play with my hair too" she said even shyer than before. He nodded shyly. Then, of course did. He gently scratched her head very slowly moving from the scalp. gently down to where her hair meets her neck. "This feels nice thank you. Keep going" six said. The scratching was relaxing. She was starting to get more tired. She move to be able to rest her head on the couch arm, whilst laying sideways on his lap, naturally whilst he scritched. Which made him internally die more. "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BEEEEAN" the thought to himself. what made him die even more was her then turning herself around so she facing towards him and not to the wall. "GODS WOMAN YOUR GOING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK HHHHHH". He still thought to himself. He began to scratch here hair by moving his fingers around in circles whilst moving his hand around her head "this is the most pleasant brain sucking abduction ever" she said. Audibly a bit tired
"H-Heh M-M' glad" he stammered. "She's kinda cute when she's tired like this. Gaaah my heart dude, can't take this"
She hummed softly to herself so it wasn't so quiet. Mostly because whilst they were initially walking back, he told her he was very scared and uncomfortable in silence. Naturally, the same music box theme that is her theme. The theme specially chosen and made for her. Six's poison.
That certainly relaxed him a bit too. He kept scratching her head for her. He decided to use two hands for it. Naturally this made her quite excited, she softly gasped for the sake of dramatic response "yaaaaaaayyyyy" she said audibly quite tired now.
"Heh...go to bed six..."
"I am in bed..."
"Go to sleep then"
"But sleep isn't a place"
"Unconscious. Do it, this is a threat."
"Hehe okay."
She slowly fell asleep and he continued. Once he was sure she was asleep. he sighed to himself, and began quietly talking to himself too "aaaaa I'm so conflicted...she's so cute and lovely but hhhhh I-I Don't know if I'm already ready to give her that sort of chance. Hhhh what to do here. My heart feels so weird right now. It's pounding so hard and it hurts?"
      "That heart feel is called being in love Asstown, and If I were you I'd go for it Ya shy bastard"
Seven said. Secretly having been quietly there this whole time. Since six sleeps in the living room he had gotten good at entering places quietly. So he wouldn't wake her up since she's a light sleeper at the most inconvenient times
      Mono resisted the urge to scream so he wouldn't wake her up. He just opened his mouth really wide in shock, and made that loud gasp exhale noise.
"Y o u g o o d b r ö t h e r?"
"G-Geez dude you need a bell"
"That's too kinky for me."
"Why are you like this?"
"Because filters are for the weak asshole"
"I...fair enough I guess"
"You two sure are cute together hm?"
"I-I...w-we are?" He said trying to hide his happiness at that.
"Yeah. It's even kinda wholesome you seem to think I'm tryna steal your wom."
"Like short for woman. Wom"
"Oh...that's...odd for sure"
"Well what's more odd is you thinking I have a chance with her but whatever."
"I-I'm not...jealous of you"
"Dude I may have shit focus, sleep paralysis, and asthma but I'm not stupid."
"I...even if I was you two spend a lot of time together so would you really blame me?"
"No, but until you admit it, both that you feel threatened by me, and admit to her that your in love with her. I'm going to mess with you about it, I hope you know that"
"Well I'm not so I won't, b-but I her"
"Lol good luck with me spiting you then. Should I kiss her head goodnight now to start? Hah hah" he said trying his best to be antagonistic.
He really thought their situation was an absolute mess and he was going to absolutely just smash it with a hammer until it resembled something that was somewhat fixed. Also he was bored and didn't have a truly noble reason to fuck with him. other than he thought it was funny that mono thought that six liked seven, himself. to any degree at all. For I as the narrator cannot stress enough how much of an asshole seven is i most of my AU ideas.
"D-Don't you dare! She's sleeping and can't consent to that!"
"Well damn call my bluff before I can have any fun why don't you?"
" not harass her please. You can hold her hand or whatever to get your kicks but don't kiss her without permission dude"
"Bruh I wouldn't Actually don't worry. I'm not dick pic guy. Nobody likes dick pic guy. Either way I'm done here. Have a good night then."
He stood up and began to walk back to his room
"Also just some advice: her favorite flavor is pumpkin, her favorite food is steak. Though if you feed her any type of food yourself She will get even more attached to you. She likes pretty crystals and any type of rose. Though black of both is preferred. Your welcome, go get your wom binch"
"O-Oh thanks I guess"
He just gave him a thumbs up and went to bed.
Mono just sat there processing the day he's just had.
All this in just one day. Just last night he was still in that chair. He was...happy...elated even...for the first time in such a very dramatically long time...he still worried...was this all a hallucination? He couldn't tell if it was real or not...he wanted this moment to be real. Oh so badly. But he was scared of wasnt. He decided to sleep off This feeling of doubt. so he gently positioned her so he was laying down and she was laying down on top of him...then drifted off to sleep hugging her into him like a teddy bear.

(DISCONTINUED) Coming home (little nightmares six x mono)Where stories live. Discover now