A Heart to heart talk

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(Seven and mono discuss their minor beef with each other...again)

Mono was outside on the porch of their new house.
They had recently moved, It was quite a nice medium/small house with three floors. Counting the basement and attic. He and six slept in the basement. along with seven. Mono doesn't like sleeping alone. So he and six share a room. Which he didn't mind at all.
The house was also fairly close to the beach. But still took going through about half an acre of woods to get to said beach. That being the easiest route without actually driving of course.
While Six was the one who mainly used that path. most of them were outdoorsy people anyway. so the others didn't mind when six randomly decided to drag them along with her to go boop hermit crabs down at the beach.
Coming back to the thing, Mono was just relaxing. when surprisingly, seven came out and sat next to him. Very hastily. To assert dominance of course
"Hey asshole"
Seven said, casually.
"I...have I done something wrong?" Mono asked, a bit worried. Sevens sudden entrance, paired with his speed, was quite anxiety inducing for mono.
"Lol no of course not" seven laughed "I just greet people with swears because I'm a douchecanoe"
"I can tell" Mono rolled his eyes.
Seven, for the past couple weeks had been subtly fucking with him. He had been giving six hugs and other platonic forms of affection. However that wasn't unusual behavior for seven. Six and seven are quite huggy people when it comes to close friends. So it wasn't a change for either of them.
But boy did mono get annoyed by it. definitely because of abandonment issues. But he didn't do much about it. Because he knew it would be wrong to punish six for his own issues. That behavior would be possessive, and toxic.
However seven hadn't been told about that yet. So to him it really looked like mono was just being stupidly possessive. yet at the same time acting unsure on wether he wanted to date six or not. Which was quite shitty in sevens opinion. So he dealt with it the only way he knew how. Subtle assholery.
"What's wrong? Got a problem with me do you?" Seven said, cocking his eyebrows.
Mono tensed his shoulders. he furrowed his brows, barely at all though. To show slight annoyance
"I mean yeah dude...your kinda a dick..."
"Like I didn't know that already lol"
Mono sighed heavily.
Seven just rolled his eyes.
"Why are you so worried about me stealing your girl dude? 1: You aren't even officially dating yet 2: I'm not into her and she's definitely not into me."
"I'm not worried about that..."
"Then what are you worried about brodiddle"
"Stoooooop with the fucking bro talk dicknips! And I don't know, just...abandonment? I guess...its just...I know she feels nothing for you in that sense....but I just...I just...god fuck my ass it's hard to form words for this, sorry..."
"Eh, it's Aight. I get it"
"I just...I just got her back...I'm worried about losing her again....although I know I wouldn't lose her to you...I don't...I don't know is that me being? Abusive??"
"Well? Possessiveness isn't really abusive when it mostly stays in your head??...I think anyway...It isn't motivated by the desire to control her from the sounds of things....so As long as you actually do something about it and work on said anxiety of her leaving. instead of you know...being an over controlling, actually abusive cockface. your in the clear! I think...Problems usually don't become problems if you try to solve them.
I'd say...work on getting a professional to talk to! If talking to a professional would work for you of course. I know some people don't find any help in talking to well...basically a stranger with a degree (Because Said degree doesn't inherently mean their a good person who actually wants to help you.) about their problems for various reasons. A lot of the time because of the degree person thing sitch I explained earlier lol.
But regardless. I can confirm that she really does love you man, whilst traveling to get you, she...she cried to me a lot you know...she told me about how she was nervous youd want to kill her. But very concerningly told me she'd understand and let you off her. To which I of course told her "no, fuck no, absolutely not. if his response is to murder you then he's a shit person. Being angry is fine. But you fucking came back for him. so that should fucking mean that you know. Shocker, maybe you aren't Satan himself." But yeah, she just...rambled on and on in circles about how badly it would hurt to be screamed at by you, and that she knew she deserved it. But it still would probably break her but...but recently she's been positively venting to me about how much happier she is with you. everyone else in the house has kinda noticed it too. She hums to herself when cleaning again....she smiled more...needless to say: she really cares about you my buddy man..."
Mono was...not sure how to respond. He was happy. But for some reason not expecting it. He believed what both six and seven had told him. But he didn't really hear it if you get what I mean. He knew they were telling the truth. But something inside him was still scared it wasn't the truth. It was like he was keeping his heart safe with doubt. Because accepting vulnerability again with someone who hurt you is harder then just always being on guard despite you knowing inside their being true.
But he knew if he wanted to be happiest he needed to let that go. But he knew he should find a help source. He just wasn't sure what kind of therapy would be best suited for him. If any therapy at all. It would take a bit before he'd be able to trust a therapist though, he still obviously has trust issues. He'd be too worried about the person seeing him being just some asshole who's going to prescribe medicine and not even try to help with the aspects medicine can't help.
"Hey...I...thanks for telling me I guess?...I don't know it's...it's a lot to process"
"I get it dude. Just...keep in mind...despite everything I've said to you...you are still allowed to walk away. Not everyone is good at making decisions. Especially if the years where their supposed to learn that skill was filled with no consequences for making the wrong decision. Because no decision was ever needed to be made at all. So whilst it's still really shitty. It's somewhat understandable. since it's your first time with something like this. That said"
He gripped mono's shoulder roughly in protective older brother friend.
"If you're a dick to her about it. I don't care what magic tv Jesus powers you have I will cause harm to you. I won't kill you. But I'll surely give you at least one dick kick"
"D-Don't worry seven....I don't think I'll be walking away anytime soon I...I think I'm ready to...you know...heh...but like, I honestly don't know how. Cuz it's only been like 3 weeks. Whilst I'm ready I just. Idk I..."
"Spit it out dude I can't give you horrible advice if you keep stalling out of nervousness"
"WELL OKAY, uh, I'm not sure how to say that... I want to date her...in a way that makes it obvious I'm like...ready to date her...you know?"
"I...I think? So like you don't know how to confess your feelings in a way you haven't already done, to make it clear you want to be actually official now?"
"Y e s, t h a n k y o u"
"No prob I guess, six sucks at words a lot, so like. I've gotten good at deciphering what people mean when they say random nonsense"
"Oh really? I haven't experienced her being bad with words. I mean, she certainly isn't perfect with them. But she's definitely not that bad with words"
"You will once she gets even more comfortable with you. She literally struggled for like a minute to say "the door is locked" once. She literally kept saying "the eel is lord" over and over again for like 30 seconds at least. It was agonizing. If there is a hell that's what it sounds like."
"H-Hehe wait really? How?"
"Well then heh. Either way...any advice?"
"H u h? Oh right. I'd say "just be honest" but that isn't helpful is it?"
"No not at all honestly"
"Figures, well, as a guideline: "hey my favorite slut. It's Ya boy, I think I'm ready to call you my gif now so yeah""
"G...Gif? Also?? I'd never call her a slut? Unless she asked me to I guess??"
"Like gf but...pronounced as a word, six said it first. At least in our house, and that's just how I'd jokingly address someone I want to date."
"Oh...well then times 2"
"Yeah, anyway did that...did that help absolutely at all?"
"A little...I'm just...nervous somehow..."
"Dude why?"
"I don't know. That's the thing with anxiety usually you know it's stupid."
"Fair enough, anyhow, you have until tomorrow night. If you don't tell her by then. I'm doing it for you"
"H-Huh? Why? Why are you always like this with about me and her? Seriously dude I need answers!"
"Because twink, sometimes the only way to build up the courage to do something, is to receive petty threats about if you don't. I'm like this with you two because well...you can't doddle around forever dude. Neither of you seem to be great at communicating. Or at being honest about your feelings with each other. So I'm forcing you both to do so! because if there's one thing I have toots it's the absolute audacity"
"I-I can see that" mono grumbled to himself
"You really can't mind your own business can you seven?"
"Bruh...1: your the one who asked me for advice in the first place. You involved me in this. 2: your 200% right I can't mind my own business."
"I asked you for advice on how to do it myself I didn't ask you to do it for me..."
"Fair enough, but I'm still 100% that bitch sooooo gonna have to keep my word dog"
"Alright,,,but...at least promise me that if I change my mind because I'm not as ready as I thought I was. your not going to be a dick and still tell her, okay?"
"Obviously homeslice breadslice. I'm an asshole. But I'm not a dick"
"Good...can I...be alone with my thoughts again?"
"Sure dude. See ya,"
With that, seven stood up and left.
Mono was once again Alone. However right now that didn't bother him too much. He was outside. So being alone didn't make him feel trapped. He was only really triggered by it when he was in an enclosed space too.
He dwelled on the whole thing really. He wasn't sure if seven was the bane of his existence. Or the reason he's been honest with six in the first place. Regardless, he felt...at ease oddly. Like no matter what he didn't have to stress about never telling her. Even though sevens method of making sure he did was a bit much.
He closed his eyes gently. To really ease his nerves, he took in the air, the calming noises around him. The sound of the chirping of the birds, as well as the sound of trees lightly moving in the wind was quite calming. The smell of late summer into early autumn was always his favorite.
When he opened his eyes again, about an hour had passed. He had apparently fallen asleep. And was now inside. Laid on the couch.
Six was sorting sea shells into two plastic buckets. He couldn't tell what she was sorting for.
"What are you doing?" He asked groggily
"Oh, your awake. I'm just sorting shells. To see which ones need cleaning before I use them and which don't. You fell asleep on the porch. So I gently dragged you inside before you got a sun burn."
"Oh, thats cool, and thanks!"
"No need to thank me. But your welcome anyway's"
"Y-Yeah...hey six. Can I talk to you?"
She paused. That made her a bit nervous. She expected him to tell her what she was scared to hear. That he took back what he's said, and that this was a huge mistake. then he'd leave. She'd lose him again. He wasn't as affectionate with her last night. So she was clearly over analyzing it. It visibly showed too. He picked up on it
"No no no it's okay it's nothing bad" he said minorly panicked
"Are you sure?"
"Alright" she sighed
"Go ahead then..."

(DISCONTINUED) Coming home (little nightmares six x mono)Where stories live. Discover now