Good morning (part 1)

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When mono awoke, six was already awake. She was laid down upright resting the side of her head against his chest. Naturally, on her phone doing random things. Most likely posting on tumblr.
   He tried to stand up. However she gently pulled him back down "Don't go your warm."
"But I'm kinda hungry six...I just woke up after all"
She sighed loudly and dramatically
"okay but only if I get to hug and touch you the entire time"
"O-Oh Okay" his face went pink again.
"Sorry if that's weird just...missed you is all"
He blushed even pinker and smiled nervously "it's fine six. I-I missed you too."
"I'm glad...your very comforting to hug if I'm honest. You make me feel safe...just like old times hm?"
This poor man was absolutely being accidentally killed by his waifu because she isn't always great at picking up on other peoples emotions. Not that he minded much. She also has absolutely little to no filter. Which is certainly one of her flaws.
"I-I'm glad six..."
"I...I kinda like it when you say my name in that has A very asmr feel"
"G-God I uhm....Good to hear I guess."
"Did I make you uncomfortable?" For the first time ever he saw her make a genuinely concerned face as much as she could through her hair. She looked up at him and frowned slightly.
"No just...bad at taking compliments I guess? Heh" yeah sure mono. she sighed in relief "That's good...I don't want to make you upset. I don't like hurting people I love..."
"Yeah I love my friends!"
She only said friends because she wasn't ready to be rejected yet. Him forgiving her was already a huge favor in her eyes. It was something she didn't even feel like she deserved. But to be loved back by someone like him? That seemed unreasonable and unfair to expect. So she would only confess when the feelings became too much and when said feelings would become too obvious anyway. Though honestly I'm sure you can tell by now that it's obvious already.
"Oh..." he knew what she meant by that. However he  still wasn't ready to have that discussion yet. He still loved her and was very happy she came back. But once more, it would take a bit of time.
"Well...let's stand up then since you want to join me...I'd assume you've eaten then?"
"Why?" He was a bit concerned. He leaned a little closer.
"I was scared I would wake you..."
"S i x! That's a stupid reason, no offense. I wouldn't have cared. At max I would've woken up briefly then went back to sleep heh"
"I mean...I kinda wanted to stay close to you anyway...your warm and make me feel protected...even though it's only been one day heh...I wasn't really hungry when I woke up anyway... "
"HHHNGH!" He thought to himself
" far as I know you should still eat in the morning even if you don't feel hungry. Guess we're getting breakfast for you too, cereal or toast?"
"I like strawberry jelly toast...why?"
"Because I like taking care of people. So I'll make you breakfast!"
She blushed and lightly shook her head
"N-No I can do it myself mono..."
"Shockingly I can also do it myself, even for you! therefore I will."
"But I'd feel bad"
"B-Because...i...I don't have a logical reason actually...fuck...I suppose "because I don't like it when people do things for me because it makes me feel self centered" isn't a good reason to you hm?"
"Nope. Not even a little bit. Especially since your willing to, like seven said to you. Travel over 40 miles to come get a man you really had absolutely no firm way of knowing was still alive and were willing to die for him too. But, somehow, said man making you literally just warm bread with mutilated fruit guts is too much to do for someone else."
"Why do you have to make sense? That's not fair"
"Pfft. Fairness was never an option. Either way shush and let me make you breakfast okay?"
"O-Okay..." she stood up gently. He did the same. She held his hand softly as he led her to the kitchen
"I missed you holding my hand..." she gently held his hand with both hands. She blushed lightly and smiled for the first time in awhile. This made his heart throb in his chest as he looked back at her. He struggled to find words.
"Be fucking chill mono dear god. B-But... she's using two hands. Why is that so important to me? Is it just because it's affirming somehow? Or is it just that she's touching me? I don't fucking know"
"I...I missed it too...I don't know how to phrase this so forgive me but...your hands feel nice in mine? I guess is the best way to put it. Your hands are soft. I pick up on weird details I know..."
That...I'm sure I don't need to mention that made her very pink in the face. Her shoulders tensed and raised slightly.
They were in the kitchen at this point. He made his way to where the bread was kept.
"That's not a weird detail at all...I've said weirder things to that they smell different when their wet.....don't ask"
"Well I don't think I wanna know regardless so guess that just works out Huh? Anyway what bread do you like?"
"White bread. Whole wheat is gross I don't make the rules."
"Agreed. Although eh, if someone likes wheat can't really stop them" he started to make toast for her. She came up behind him and gently hugged his arm. Resting her cheek on his shoulder. She had to stand on her toes a little. His heart started to beat more as he widened his eyes in surprise a bit. "Dear god this girl is going to give me a heart attack and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet."
"I'll be honest. Your being cute"
"I-I...a-a" that low key broke her a bit. She became even more pink in the face somehow. She looked down at the floor hoping her hair would hide her face again, as she gently scratched at her wrists. "I-I'm not though..."
"Why not?"
"I...well I'm kinda creepy...I get angry really easily and lash out too quick...I'm quite vengeful even though I don't do much about it anymore...even though I still want to break the legs off the table when I stub my toe on it..."
"Heh...those are just flaws. Everyone has them. That doesn't hinder your cuteness at all"
"But...I'm still creepy!"
"No...honestly, an kitten with its teeth bared is more intimidating and creepier then you six...even when you dropped me I wasn't scared of you...I was just angry."
"I...oh...sorry still..."
"I...I forgive you point is...I like that you have flaws.I want a actual person not...a fake person, you know?"
"You want me?" She asked in a confused and slightly hopeful tone
"A! Well...oh golly gee what have I done..."
"Pfffft hehe be careful with your words otherwise I might start catching feelings"
"Well...Uhh...good to know"
"Your definitely making him uncomfortable six. Just stop and think about your words before you say them for once. This isn't going to end the way you want and you have to accept that!" Six thought to herself. She squinted her eyes lightly at the floor. A bit sad that, (at least in her mind) she had lost him due to her own irrational past thought process. However mono was quite flustered. He didn't want to make it obvious he felt the same way about her just yet. But he could tell by her body language that something had hurt her feelings, he didn't know what. The toast was done. He put her previously mentioned favorite jelly on it then set it on the table for her. However she stayed hugging him from behind. Until he made his own breakfast of course. Which was buttered toast. as they didn't have any cereals he liked. He is but a simple Cheerios manhoe. Only when he set it on the table for himself is when she separated to eat her food
"Thank you mono" she smiled softly at him and ate.
"Your welcome, do you like it?"
"Yes! It's very hard to mess up toast heh"
"Setting bread on fire accidentally is the easiest way to tell how chaotic someone is or not. Or at least managing to burn their toast in a toaster."
"No I'd say forgetting to turn the oven on whilst cooking is the best way to tell how chaotic someone is."
"I've done that" she said quieter
"Oh golly, amazing"
"I know, I can life properly. I'm probably the worst person to have gained eldritch demon like death powers. Necromancy should not have been put in my hands to use at any time I'd like"
"I mean I'm too myself to ever use my freakish tv powers for evil in most cases. so whatever divine force is in charge really picked the most boring person to give powers like mine lol"
"Well I'm sure you could use your powers for good to get some sort of use out of them!"
"I'm Not sure how making people soulless husks, and stealing said souls could be used for good there six..."
"Not sure either...sorry I mentioned it then..."
"It's alright?"
Once they were done six took both their plates "I can clean them."
"But Didn't seven in one of your quotes by him say something about you not liking doing the dishes?"
"I-It's just two plates I don't mind. I only mind when it's gross and covered in various food. It smells bad...and it's sticky."
"Alright then"
She naturally cleaned their dishes and put them in the dish strainer.
"Sooo what now?" He asked
"I should probably do my morning routine before makes me feel more organized hehe."
"Alright! A-After that do you maybe want to do something together?"
"Of course, like what?"
"I don't mind anything really, soo you choose."
"Hmm...I definitely want you to cuddle me again, because I am very touch starved...I don't like being touched by most people. So when I'm okay with being touched by someone I will cry if they ignore me for .2 seconds heh...we could watch something too if you want..."
He smiled warmly "Id like that"
"You would? I don't know it just kinda feels odd to me..being comfortable giving affection to a girl who hurt you so badly..."
" did yes, however...looking back on it your story kinda checks out. You seemed quite tense after I destroyed your music box. Even a little angry. Then you looked scared before dropping me. I...I believe you"
"I'm glad mono..."
She hugged him again, by wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled more and gently scratched her scalp again.
Suddenly, s e v e n.
He opened his door gently, here he comes, that motherfucker, what a tool. He walked past them
"Good morning you damn love birds"
Six blushed and stepped back. "W-We aren't dating though?"
"Yet, I'd give it two weeks max before you two confess lol."
"Seven..." mono started "why don't you mind your own business yeah?"
Seven was a bit taken aback by that.
"Because anyone here will tell ya that if it involves six, I don't fuck around. She's like my best friend and whilst I may show my affection for people by rolling a nat20 on vicious mockery, I am a ride or die type of friend. So dude, just be honest with her and don't play games because your not sure. She has feelings too you know..."
Mono was surprised how little fucks seven seemed to give. He fully realized that if seven has anything. It's the audacity. He looked down at the floor to process what he was saying. He didn't expect seven to call him out so suddenly.
"Seven leave him alone...friendly affection doesn't mean he's into me like you think...I agree it would be a bit mean to lead me on like that. However it's not leading me on if I know the boundaries!"
Seven rolled his eyes
"Whatever helps your low self esteem sleep at night six..."
Mono was still thinking of what to say. He realized seven was right. He either needed to confess soon or stop. Whilst six may not think he likes her. It's still a dick move to know in his heart he likes her and still be indecisive. It was leading her on even if she didn't think it was. Because he knew how she felt and he still continued.
"I..." mono started
"I need to think about this okay?"

(DISCONTINUED) Coming home (little nightmares six x mono)Where stories live. Discover now