Just some updates

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Please don't murder me for another non story chapter 😭
This is just some general information of things that have changed with this AU that will be canon going forward. So that I didn't have to change what I wanted the next two chapters to be about too much.
Number 2 covers some dark stuff. So please be warned!!

1: the apartment I originally Headcanoned for their unit doesn't really work anymore. so uH...they've canonically moved now. I tried like... twice to casually write a additional chapter about this that you know...worked. but just wasn't satisfied with it. It felt too boring both times. So I'm just adding this here lol.

2: I've updated what I think generally might be six's backstory a bit. Which might be mentioned later down the line. Just in advance it's very potentially triggering. Because, some things in the game I noticed about six's behavior lead me to think there's more going on here that people (at least in my eyes) aren't paying too much attention to. Which (if this stuff gets mentioned later) will be explained. But over simplified (triggering so I'll put a buffer)
Shes been abused by her father, and also has disordered eating.
Well "Abused by her father" because...isnt it really odd how: no matter what six has seen in the games. No matter how weird or scary something is. EVEN NEXT TO FALLING TO HER DEATH. the only thing that ever really made her scream was a mostly normal looking adult man? That lead me to think it was a trauma response. Like really think about it, paired with the fact that shes clearly a runaway. that kinda has a lot of implications to me.

Disordered eating because:
the dev's (I believe) had said something about the first game being through the eyes of six, and that the world around her might not be how things factually are.
Paired with the fact literally any person seen preparing food or eating food (six included) is portrayed as a horrible greedy monster. There's some implications there to me
I've done some research on how eating disorders start and their motivations, and given how the world is presented to us it does seem likely. Anorexia, and other similar eating disorders (from what I've researched) tend to stem from wanting control, other reasons too of course! Just the control aspect seems to be the pattern among patients. A little girl in a world that's clearly falling apart. filled with monsters and nightmares, might feel like eating is the only thing she has power over. There are some people as young as 7 with anorexia so it's not as unrealistic as one might think. Also the game was initially called hunger. So like. Yeah
Although this story would take place after shes figured out how to manage said disordered eating. So it wouldn't be brought up often.
Also I uH...kinda have problems with disordered eating myself. so I have some experience with it. therefore, I might be a little biased when it comes to context clues lol. (It's not that bad don't worry. But it is still a problem for me.)

(You good after that? Both of those additions can be triggering. I'd recommend either a grounding activity or a really cold shower. Or squeeze/chew some ice if you can. That always helps me when I'm emotionally triggered)

!!You can stop scrolling now if you skipped 2!!

3: from the replies on "a question" I think I will do a lemon. I appreciate all the comments with "it's your choice", it's very nice of you. But I asked because I wanted to make sure it was something people would like, and not just drop it out of nowhere. Because the story was initially going to be just fluff. so dropping it out of now where might've upset some people who are here for cuddles only. Some people are Sex repulsed and I wanted to respect that lol. So I asked first. I'm not saying if you left a comment like that your a bad person. Quite the opposite honestly. I appreciate those comments. I'm just explaining why I asked and didn't just, do it lmao.
Although, Granted someone who doesn't like sex could just not read it. I'd put lemon in the title so it would be easy to skip. I just felt it was more polite to propose the idea before I made a choice. For my own personal stuff. Although it won't come for at least two more chapters, and I may do a lime first. Which is essentially almost having sex but stopping before it is sex.

I made a blog on tumblr for this AU. Because I keep drawing art and getting inspired to draw things for this AU? But uH, posting them all either: at the end of the chapter randomly. or god forbid just as their own chapters when people are expecting actual story chapters.would probably annoy the fuck out of  a lot of people quite quickly. I know a lot of you might not care. Or be interested. Or maybe just don't have a tumblr. Or whatever other reasons that are none of my business tbh. Which is all perfectly valid! And kinda the point of not putting all the art on wattpad jfjrjrnrjrk.
Just mentioning it because it's relevant
If you are interested, great! It's "six-is-sad" and the icon will be this
(also not all the art on said blog will be pixel art. I just thought pixel art as a pfp would be cool)

If not! Perfectly okay 🤗 this will probably be the last chapter like this for awhile so you can keep reading (if you wish of course) now!Thanks! For listening to my nonsense nfjdjsjjsjdjd

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If not! Perfectly okay 🤗 this will probably be the last chapter like this for awhile so you can keep reading (if you wish of course) now!
Thanks! For listening to my nonsense nfjdjsjjsjdjd

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