Chapter 4

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••••• MARCUS POV •••••

- After Marcela went on her date I called up this red bone named Cherry that I used to mess with & went to her crib. I was jealous & mad that Marcela had the nerve to go out with another nigga. When I got to Cherry house she already knew what was up. She went to giving me head as soon as I walked though the door. Before I could even nut, a lady that my mom used to work with at the hospital called me saying that Marcela was in the ICU cus she was shot & I was confused as hell. I pushed Cherry out the way & got to the hospital as fast as I could. I went to the desk & asked the nurse where Marcela was & she informed me that she should be out of surgery in the next 30 minutes & that I could go into the waiting room. I walked in to see another nigga in there & he was covered in blood. Since we were the only 2 there, I figured he must've been Marcela's date & I instantly got mad. "Bruh, who are you!? What the fuck happened to her!? What you do!?" He stood up like he was ready to fight so I stepped back just in case.

"First off, you need to watch who the fuck you talking to bruh. Second off, my name is Rah & while I was dropping her off, someone did a drive by. I pushed her in the house to keep her safe, but she must've already got hit. I'm just as worried about her as you are so we need to handle this like grown men & focus on her."

He was right. I needed to calm down cus I was in the wrong.

"Look, my bad man. I'm Marcus & I'm her best friend. She like a sister to me. The only family I have so I get real protective over. I just need to make sure she straight & then imma find out who did this shit cus their days on earth are numbered." We sat down & waited. I could tell he was in deep thought & I was too. Who would want to hurt Marcela or was it directed at him? I need to find out some more info on this nigga. I texted my nigga Red & told him to check the system for this nigga Rah. Red was real good with computers so I knew he could find out whatever info there was on this nigga & right now, I needed to know everything about him from his occupation to his blood type. I can't have just any nigga around my best friend.

Soon the doctor came in... "Family of Marcela Prince?" We both stood up. "Good news, she made it through the surgery, but she lost a lot of blood & needed a transfusion. She's awake now & you may go see her, but she's in a lot of pain." We nodded our heads in understanding & followed him to her room.

••••• RAH POV •••••

- When we walked into her room I got mad all over again. She looked so fragile with all those tubes & machines hooked up to her. She gave a small smile & a weak "Hey." I stepped out into the hallway while her & Marcus talked about what happened. Meanwhile, I called my homie Tez & told him to put his ear to the streets. I needed to find out who had the balls to shoot at me. I'm not no one to mess with so some nigga must've had me mistaken or thought they caught me slipping. Either way, somebody had to die. I heard the door open to see Marcus coming out. "Here's my number bruh, she wants to see you." I already knew what he meant so I took the number & walked in to see her. "How you feeling beautiful?" I asked her. "Hurt." She replied. I hated seeing her like this. "I don't want you going back to that house. I'll put you & your mom in a hotel until we can work out some living arrangements." She looked sad when I said that. She sighed, "I don't think my mom is coming back this time. I never told anyone, but she always leaves to go on these 'business trips' but she's never been gone this long. I overheard her on the phone with someone saying that she was leaving but I thought she just meant on another trip. I knew that the trips were never actually business but I never questioned her & maybe I should have." By this time she had tears rolling down her face. I wiped her tears & kissed her forehead. "Look, I don't know enough about your relationship with your mother to speak on it but know that I'm gonna always be here for you. You can come stay with me & if you don't feel comfortable I'll get you your own place. Just get some rest & I'll be back in the morning. Okay?" She nodded her head & I kissed her cheek before leaving.

I pulled up at the trap & left my car for my boys to handle. I damn sure couldn't be driving that around anymore. I walked through the door giving everyone a "Wassup?" before heading into my office to take a shower & change clothes. I sat down at my desk & Tez came in right on time. "What you find out?" I asked him. "Not much man. The streets quiet as of now." I was pissed off. The streets were never quiet so I knew this had to be bigger than some nigga growing some balls. I remembered that Marcus gave me his number so I hit him up real quick.

••••• MARCUS POV •••••

- This shit had to be handled & it needed to be handled soon.

I found out that Raheem Christian Davis is 23. Son of Michael & Karen Davis who lived 2 cities away in Dayton. He owns 3 clubs & moved to Crossdale about 10 years ago when both of his parents died in a car accident to live with his uncle Frederick Feely aka Big Fred who was a known drug dealer until he was murdered. He was then bounced around from foster home to foster home at the age of 16 until he turned 18. He has a clean record & graduated from high school with a 4.3 GPA before going to college on a full scholarship for football to get a degree in business.

He seemed like a pretty smart dude although he's a hood nigga. He ain't had a easy life but he stayed focused & I like that. I know he gone hit me up soon & he need to cus I have a feeling that nigga Jerome had something to do with this. He been too damn quiet & I know for a fact that he not over that ass whooping I gave him. My phone started vibrating letting me know I had a text. It was from Rah.

UNKNOWN: Yo this Rah. Meet me at the hospital in the morning around 10.

I could do that. We both had long nights & tomorrow was gonna be an even longer day. I needed to get some sleep so my mind could be on straight for tomorrow's events.


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