Chapter 14

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***** 2 MONTHS LATER *****

••••• RAH'S POV  •••••

- Man, shit has been stressful for me these last couple months. The police been investigating Travis' murder, Marcela is almost 4 months pregnant & she's high risk due to the complications she had earlier on. She hasn't been the same since she left the hospital 2 months ago tho & I'm not sure what to do. She doesn't want to talk to anyone, go out, get dressed... Nothing. Whenever I offer to take her out, she turns me down. She quit her job & everything. Marcus can't even do anything for her. I think I know who to call... As a last resort.

"Hello?" She answered in the same voice I remembered her having when I was 10.
"Hey Aunt Lo." I replied calling her by the nickname I was gave here when I was a child.
"Rah? I haven't heard from you since your uncle died. What's been going on?"
"Nothing much. Trying to keep it together, you been getting the money I send you?"
She sighed. "Yes, but I told you I don't need your money boy. You need to come see your aunt."
"I will. I actually need your help with my girlfriend. I think she needs therapy, so why not send her to the best therapist around?" I said chuckling.
"You a trip boy. Bring her by the house later... around 7. I've gotta go back to work now tho. Love you nephew."
"Alright, we'll see you. Love you too." I said before hanging up.

"Babe!" I called, walking in the house towards the living room. "What?" She snapped sitting up on the couch, her growing stomach showing through her tank top. "Imma take you to meet someone. Go start getting ready." "I don't wanna go nowhere Raheem." I sighed. It's always the same thing. "I didn't ask you Marcela." She rolled her eyes & got up brushing past me. I grabbed her arm, "I'm not even tryna argue with you right now. Why you always have an attitude when I'm just trying to help?" She snatched out of my grip & walked upstairs. She is really testing my patience... I'll be glad when this is all over. "Alright, where we going?" She said walking back into the living room with a green floor length dress on. "Oh, now you wanna talk? Just come on." I said as she followed me to my car heading to my aunt's house.

••••• MARCELA'S POV  •••••

- I guess he's mad now... whatever. I'd rather just get to wherever we're going to so he can stop bugging me about going out. About 20 minutes later, we pulled up to this nice house on the edge of town. It was big, but not too big. Rah parked & got out so I followed suit as he led the way up the sidewalk to the front door. He rung the doorbell & soon a lady that looked to be in her late 40's  opened the door. "Hi baby!" She said hugging Rah. "Hey Aunt Lo." He said back smiling hard. "Oh & this is my girlfriend Marcela. Marcela this is my Aunt Loretta." He introduced us. "Hello." I said quietly. "Well come on in, I made dinner so I hope y'all are hungry." I followed them inside to the kitchen as they laughed & talked about the past. I felt out of place so I stayed quiet until the baby started moving & since it was slightly uncomfortable, I placed my hand on my stomach. "You alright bae?" Rah asked pausing the conversation. "Yeah." "You sure?" "I said yes Raheem." I snapped. He just sighed & went back to his conversation. I was ready to go home. I don't see why I have to be here while he has a simple conversation. He should've left my ass at home where I wanted to be. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Can I talk to you Marcela?" His aunt asked leading me to what looked like an office. "Here, have a seat." She sat across from me. "Rah wants me to talk to you. He's worried about you. What's going on?" "Nothing." I said. "I know you don't know me so you're probably uncomfortable, but I'm a therapist & talking to me may help you." She insisted. Assuming she wasn't gonna let let it go, I sat back & told her everything starting from the beginning. "I understand that your situation hasn't been ideal, but you have to make the best of it Marcela. Raheem is only trying to help you although he's not perfect. You have to forgive the people in your past in order to move on. Ya know, close one door before another opens." I nodded my head. "Thank you." I said quietly before getting up to leave. "You ready to go?" Rah asked me. I nodded my head & led the way to the car. Half way home, I finally broke the awkward silence. "The baby has been moving today." I said rubbing my belly. "I'm sorry about the way I've been acting these past couple of months. I guess I was depressed or something, but I feel better after letting it all out. Your aunt gave me some really good advice." I added. "It's alright Marcela. Just know that I love you & I've been trying trying to make things better since I got you pregnant & you don't want to be." He said. "Stop saying that. I love you & our child." I reassured him with a kiss. I'm starting to get used to being pregnant. The morning sickness has died down, but the mood swings & cravings haven't. When we got home, I was horny af. I BEEN horny to be honest, I just wasn't in the mood mentally. "Baby." I whined as we walked into the living room. "Yeah? You horny, ain't you?" I nodded my head & he pulled me towards him, kissing me. I pushed him down on the couch & straddled him. He lifted me up to pull his pants down, then he lifted my dress up reaching for my panties. "Where your underwear Marcela?" I blushed & kissed him as he slid into me. "Am I hurting you bae?" He asked looking into my eyes. I shook my head no & started to ride him. It felt soo good that I didn't want to stop. I slowed down so I could enjoy this moment even longer. "Damn ma. You teasing." He chuckled & grabbed my ass to speed me up. Soon, I felt my climax rising & I was ready for it. I gripped his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin as I came. He came soon after me & took me upstairs to get cleaned up.

••••• MARCUS POV •••••

- "Hello?" I said answering the phone.
"Sooo, your baby is almost 6 months old & you haven't even called to check on her."
"How the fuck you keep getting my number Keisha? That's not my child bruh!"
"Yes she is & I'm putting your ass on child support!"
"Hell nah bitch. Imma need a DNA test before I pay for somebody else child!" I said hanging up. That bitch dumb. "You alright baby? Who was that?" Amber said walking into the room. "That was my ex Keisha saying I got her pregnant  & now I'm not taking care of my daughter, but that's not my child. She a hoe." "Oh okay. Well yeah, get a DNA test & we'll handle it from there." I pulled her to me & kissed her. She's so supportive. "You talked to Cel lately?" I asked her. I been worried about my best friend. She shook her head & kissed me again. I know what she wants. I picked her up & kissed her again while gripping her ass. "Damn you getting thicker." I said sucking on her neck. I laid her on the bed & pulled off my shirt.


Me & Amber both were snatched off the bed & thrown on the floor. I didn't like the way they was handling her. "Man y'all don't have to handle her like that!" I yelled trying to break free. "Marcus James, you are under arrest for the murder of Travis Streeter. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?" The officer said after he handcuffed me & led me to the door. Shit, I'm not opening my mouth about nothing. He put be in the back of the police car & headed to the police station. This is gone be a long ass night.

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