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LISTENING TO THE SOUND OF FAINT CHATTERING PUT HER MIND TO EASE. Dressed in sweats and an oversized shirt, y/n sat on the ground of the park.

She watched multiple of her friends do tricks with their boards then talk to one another. Her vans clanked together to fill the sound of her mind. Her s/c hand played with the ring on her nose to keep her mind at ease.

She'd been sitting there for maybe thirty minutes waiting for Bakugou. Usually they'd meet up around 9:00 but today he was a little late.

Y/n wasn't complaining, maybe it was for the best. She wasn't having the best day today. Everyone there could tell her demeanor was off.

Most of the time she'd be laughing and having fun, and acting chill but she was extremely quiet.

Crickets filled her ears with soft music. She closed her eyes while talking in a deep breath. Her chest rose up and down from how she tried to forget.

Her free hand ran slowly through her h/c hair. The way it felt tangled and undone was somewhat normal. The lashes on her eyes were done up with a small amount of makeup for the night.

It's true, she had been trying a little harder on her appearance. Y/n didn't know why she'd suddenly had the urge, but she had a slight idea.

Most of the time the ash blond teen she's been teaching was playing in her mind. Sometimes she would even notice the small glanced he'd send her.

Y/n was on to catch on quick... but with the way Bakugou was always yelling, she didn't know if he actually liked her or not.

But one thing was for certain, which was they were both growing on one another.

As y/n opened her eyes she looked up to find red ones staring down to her. Bakugou looked emotionless as she sat down in from of the girl.

Not the two were sitting across each other with the sounds of the night to fill the gaps.

"I'm not in the mood to teach... wanna do something else?" Y/n started. Bakugou lazily shrugged his shoulders.

His hand scratched his head before responding. "Let's just sit here. Had a shitty day at school and training was a pain in the ass."

Y/n stifled and laugh. She looked to Bakugou was half lidded tired eyes. The light reflected off the e/c.

"I've got an idea. Have you ever played hand games?" She looked over to the boy who tilted his head. "Like... hot hands."

Bakugou wore an annoyed expression as he shook his head indicating he didn't. This made his friend take calmly his hands and explain the base of the game to him.

In the end Bakugou was smirking thinking about the idea of winning. "So why the hell are you all depressed today skater girl."

Y/n scoffed while rolling her eyes. "My stupid foster parents..." her eyes widened after reliving what she said.

Bakugou furrowed his brows. "Your in a foster home?" He asked gently. His voice was softer than usual to make sure he didn't strike a nerve.

Solemnly, y/n nodded her head. "Yeah... my parents died when I was younger. I've been thrown around foster homes a lot of my life."

"So what's wrong?"

"These ones don't like me at all. They've just been total ass hats to me." She slapped Bakugou's hand without his attention.

He grumbled incoherent words before continuing. "I don't know what it's like, but they sound pretty shitty. My hag is a complete idiot... but it doesn't mean I don't like her."

He slapped y/n's hands while she was caught off guard. "The hag raising me is an actual hag. She's only doing it for the money. There's actually two other kids who live there too."

His red eyes looked up from their hands. The game paused while y/n explained her situation.

"There's a girl who's 17, who years older than me. Then a boy, 10. My foster parents like them... just not me. And I'm not sure why?

I've done nothing for them to hate me. All I do is come home at a later hour because I'm teaching you!"

The air was silent while Bakugou's mind lingered. Was he the reason why she was getting the cold shoulder? Was he being too selfish?

His mind rolled around as y/n looked to the floor. She peered her head up to find the ash blond looking grim.

Her smile was soft as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever you're thinking it's not true. I've always come here late, it's my safe place. That's all."

"I wasn't thinking anything skater girl." He mumbled in defense.

I'm her mind, y/n realized how comfortable she had felt with Bakugou. Never had she opened up to anyone at the skatepark.

He'd broken past the 'cool girl' barrier she'd put up before they met.

Now there was still a bit of a tense atmosphere in the air. Y/n hated seeing how down the usually energetic boy is behaving.

She decided on making things better.

"Where do you get your nicknames? I've heard you talk about shitty hair, Deku, dunce face, and four eyes! Who are they?"

"A bunch of extras in my class at UA." He crossed his arms as he smirked at the girl.

They felt like the only ones in the world. There was no one around except them and the noises of the crickets.

The usual sound of skateboards on the concrete was tuned out from their ears as y/n asked the question that had been long awaited.

"Am I an extra?"

Bakugou instantly answered.

"No, you're not."

Welcome to the start of an actual plot for the story

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Welcome to the start of an actual plot for the story. Things progress from here, and things will become more interesting. Thank you for sticking with me through this story. Vote, comment and follow.
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