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'You got this (Y/n). They're your parents so they'll eventually support your decision,' He thought to himself as he walked into the living room where his parents sat watching the news.

(Y/n) took a deep breath before stepping into their field of vision and prepared to ask something that he was always afraid to ask.

"Is it okay if I ask you both something?" (Y/n) managed to say as he looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with either of them.

"What is it (Y/n)?" His father questioned with his eyes moving from the TV to him. His mother did so too and (Y/n) felt the tension in the atmosphere.


He couldn't get the words out of his mouth and stood there awkwardly, trying to pick up the courage but his parents started to lose their patience, and they stood from their seats.

"Did you get in trouble at school (Y/n)!? " His mother yelled.


"Did you do something illegal?"


"Then what is it!?" She impatiently outbursts before giving him an angry glare.

"I want to become an Idol..." He mumbled but it was unfortunately loud enough for them to hear.


A loud thud was heard in the room as (Y/n) falls to the ground.

"Aish...I need to get better," He muttered as he stood up.

He played the song once more and started dancing. Every move made his body heavier as he has been dancing since this morning. He placed his hands on his waist as he panted. He looked up at the ceiling and was met with the bright light.

"My body hurts so much," (Y/n) thought as he could feel his muscles slowing him down, no matter how much he practiced it wasn't to his standards.

(Y/n)'s body had been overworked for a every long time and it was clear it was taking its toll on him. "Are you going to stay for a while?" Jungkook had walked in on him practicing, it wasn't uncommon to see him practicing.

"Yeah I can't get this dance move right," (Y/n) answered before watching him leave, even then jungkook had noticed how good (Y/n) was at dancing and often questioned why he worked so hard when his dancing skills were amazing.

"Only a five minute break, that should be enough" he groaned as even he knew it wasn't. He stared at the ceiling for a while thinking.

"Soon...I'll debut so I can't keep making these types of mistakes," He thought as he exhaled before heading back to the speaker and resuming his practice.


He moved on the beat of the song and was in his usual zone. Not until...

"(Y/n)! We learnt the dance to your song! Watch us!" They loudly demanded in excitement and they dragged his arms to one of the practise rooms.

"Hahh...what do you two want this time?" He asked the two as they continued dragging him out of his training room.

"We want you to watch us and judge us on how good we danced to it, because it's your song!" Dahyun laughed as they made it into the other practise room and sat him in the empty chair.

(Y/n) sighed and rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Can't you get one of the back-up dancers to watch and critic it? I have an upcoming comeback that I need to work on."

They both groaned and smacked (Y/n)'s shoulders in disappointment.

"You're the one who created the dance so we obviously wanted the creator to judge us," Chaeyoung slightly frowned and stood there waiting for his reply..

"But like..."

He was about to say something until they started doing aegyo and trying to make (Y/n) give up. Both started making cute faces and making hearts with each other's arms, and hands while giggling. This secretly hit his heart from their cuteness but he maintained a very neutral face as he watched.

"Fine, show me what you got."


"Oh my gosh what have I done?!?"
(Y/n) groaned as he paced around his apartment. "Just go talk to them I'm sure it'll be fine," Taehyung explained to the frustrated maknae

"I've been so rude to them for all these years when they've helped me so much." (Y/n) had been thinking about his actions all morning.
"Dude I can even see dark circles around your eyes," Taehyung had been tasked with taking care of the maknae knowing all he could do was watch and try to help him.

"That's it! I'm going to their dorm,"
(Y/n) rushed as he grabbed his car keys and ran through the doors. Taehyung smiled to himself knowing it was going to be alright.

'Why am I so stupid.'

'If only I could go back and change things.'

'I wish I had known.'

'How can I ever make it up to them.'

These thoughts raced through (Y/n)'s head as he rushed to get to his destination. He regretted his actions more than anything, the words he had said to them could've made anyone hate him. He never truly realized what he had until it was gone. Until they were gone...

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