The Kings Beginning: (Part 2)

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November 5,2010

(Y/N).s POV

I quickly get ready and put on clothes without sparing a second, 'I can't believe my grandpa supports me!!' I thought as I jumped down the stairs quickly running to the car

"We're only going for a bit! Behave yourself (Y/N)!!" My mom nagged. She started the car as I adjusted myself before quickly sliding the seatbelt over my shoulder excitedly waiting for us to be there.

'I can't believe that I managed to convince my mom' I thought as I readied myself for the car ride ahead

As my mom drove, I could see all the people and buildings seemingly zoom by.

As we arrive I stare at my grandpa's house admiring how the house is very old yet still stands tall.

"You better not say anything stupid" my mom whispers to be before putting on a smile and knocking on the door

"Ah it's been forever since you've visited us hasn't it" my grandpa welcomed as he ushered us inside

"Yes we've just been busy, especially Y/N with his studies you know how focused he is on those" my mom explained as she sat down on the couch.

'I wonder if grandpa would be on my side even when seeing my mother angry' I thought as I quickly opened the patio door and ran across the backyard.

"Y/N get back here!" My mom yelled

"Oh it's fine let him have his fun it's okay" my grandma debated before closing the patio door making sure to not let any hot air inside

"Well while he's busy Let's get to talking now shall we" my grandpa said as he grabbed him and sat down, moving one leg over the other nonchalantly.

3rd Person POV

"So Y/N has been telling me about being a trainee" My mom said and my grandpa hummed.

"What about it?" My grandpa asked with a confused face.

"What do you mean 'what about it?" His future is not secured if he becomes one of those idols." My mom replied.

"Well...I think he should go for it. It's his dream and I want you to give him a chance to achieve that" grandpa answered, (YM/N) huffed at his reply.

"A doctor is a good future for him! Music isn't going to get him anywhere!" (YM/N) replied before earning a glare from the latter.

"Well it's what he wants to do so what's wrong with it!" Grandpa said as his voice echoed through the house "I didn't raise you to be like this! He's a child not some bird you can keep in a cage!" Grandpa said in disbelief

"Well he's my child and I'm going to give him a good future wether he liked it or not!" (YM/N) replied almost screaming

"Well at least let him try, we'll support him no matter what he decides to become" grandma replied agreeing with grandpa.

"Let him be a trainee, he can still focus in school. If he fails the audition we'll drop this but if he doesn't then let him be a trainee! You never know he might become something big" grandpa said before standing up and heading to the kitchen

'I can't believe she turned out like this, that poor child' grandpa thought before putting some water on the stove and letting it boil


(Y.N).s POV

I walk through the seeming endless forest exploring every little crook and cranny I could find. Until I see a flat field in the middle of this vast forest.

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