Chapter 6: Guest appereance

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2 years later/ 2015

(Y/N).s POV

Our group had been officially debuted for 2 years and had not really gotten a lot of popularity. We hadn't really enjoyed the style the company had put on us

It didnt make us stand out but instead blended us in with the rest of the groups and the group didnt like that a lot as we Felt like our careers are being wasted as we were not allowed to produce our own things

However this year was different and i could feel it a lot of big things were going to happen and we were going to make changes from now on

Right now we were performing a stage for the m countdown

"Hyung how many takes are we taking?" I asked

"I dont know but the director is being really picky about it" Namjoon responded

'Sometimes this job tires me out' i thought as i walked back to my changing room until suddenly my name was called out

"Y/N!! I have some news for you" my manager called out as he walked in holding a piece of paper waving it in the air

"Hey Sejin-hyung! What's up?" I responded

"You haven't stopped using that slang ever since it was taught to you haven't you?" He said as he looked at me

"Anyway. We have been contacted by a broadcasting company to have you make an guest appearance on a survival show" he explained

"A survival show?" I questioned

"Yes" he confirmed

"That's an unusual request but what am i going to do while im there ?" I asked as a makeup artist came and started making adjustments to my makeup

"You're going to be coaching some trainees aka the people the contestants"he quickly explained before explaining when and where

"Ah alright" i understood before quickly telling him that I'll agree to be a guest on the show

"Some of the people on the show are big fans you know" he teased

'This is going to be interested, i wonder what it'll be like' i thought before quickly returning to the stage to once again perform another take


3RD Person POV

"Y/N we have to go now its time to go on the show" the manager said before ushering Y/N to the van

"Ok hyung" (Y/N) said before jumping into the car and getting on instagram

He quickly realizes the company asked him to take a picture for the fans and goes to the camera app and taking a quick selfie not really caring if it was good or not considering he only did it because the company asked him to

As he was about to post it he realized he forgot to caption it and pressed the back arrow allowing him to add a caption

'Hmm i wonder what I'll chaptio it" he thought as he began to think before quickly getting told by their manager that they had arrived at the shoot site

'Hmm I'll caption it "im exited to see you" since ill be seeing fans later at fanmeets'

He quickly posted it and jumped out of the car exited to see what the trainee's had in store for him

As he entered the building he couldn't help but to notice the big JYP logo standing in front of the elevator he was getting in

He was snapped out of his thoughts as he realized people were beginning to realize who he was and why he was there

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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