Chapter 3: Envy

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2011 February 4th

(Y/n)'s (P. O. V)

I pushed away all the finished study books and leant back on my chair. I impatiently look at the time once again and dread spread throughout my body once again.

It was only 10:00AM on a Saturday so there wasn't school, any studying left, books to read or anything. All I had to do was sit and wait until it was 12:30pm until I needed to go to the company for my first day of training


You know what? I broke the rules of doing prohibited activities so surely going to check the Arcade isn't one.

I got up in my casual clothing and stood up, grabbing my basic-looking wallet and walked to the living-room.

"Mum, Dad. I'll be out to buy a few supplies for training," I mentally cackled and they gave me a slight nod, indicating that I was given permission to leave.

I quickly put on my shoes and headed towards the shopping district. It felt exciting to be doing something new so I had a wide smile planted on my childish face. I could hear a few comments like the other day but I ignored them, and continued walking.

Before I knew it, I reached the Arcade and I headed inside. My eyes were hit immediately with the bright LEDs of the game machines and the loud sounds of EDM music hitting my ears. I saw a lot of people around machines and groups of people  playing or observing players. It was a fun atmosphere that made me want to get involved.

I walked up to the token exchanging machine and placed a ₩50,000 Note into it, and many coins were dispensed into the small gap. Luckily the pockets to my pants were huge so I grabbed the handful of coins into them and walked around to browse the machines.

What caught my eye was a game that had the title 'Tekken' and it looked very competitive, but decided to try the challenge.

I put 4 tokens into the coin slot and pressed the start that was above the group of buttons. The character selection appeared and I thought the Panda looked cute, so I selected them as my fighter.

I got a basic understanding of the mechanics so when the game began, I randomly sprinted forward and started pressing the buttons randomly after I did an air launcher, and accidentally followed it up into a combo. This kept happening for a while and I somehow one the game after a long 5 minutes.

I was happy with the result and stood up, but I turned around. A crowd of gamers were watching and applauding my "performance" but it soon ended after a very scary looking person pushed people to get to me.

"Are you the person playing Panda?

" No.... " I lied and he immediately grabbed onto the collar of my shirt, and lifted me into the air, anger expressed on his wrinkly face.

"I've spent a whole year undefeated and a kid who came in for the first time beats me? You're not getting out of this unharmed!" He winds his arm up for a punch and I raise my hand up in my defense.

"I'll give you all my tokens!!" I tried bargaining and he lowered his arm.

"How much are we talking about?"

"Like nearly ₩50,000 worth of tokens..."

He let's go and I drop to the ground with my tailbone hitting the ground first, causing pain to shoot up through my body. The man sticks his hand out and I hand him all the tokens in my pocket.

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