The King's Beginning (Part 1)

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(Y/n)'s P. O. V

"Alright! Who thinks they have the correct formula to answer the question?" The teacher looked at us and waited for someone's hand to appear up.

I looked around to see everyone struggling to think of it. I stuck my hand up and the teacher immediately had a smile on her face as she gestured for me to come to the board.

I went up to the board and grabbed the whiteboard marker, and began to write the calculations for the answer.

"And then you end up with the answer, 56%."

"Good work (Y/n)! Maybe the rest of you could be as smart as (Y/n) if you studied," She complimented me and threw some shade at everyone while I walked back to my seat with their eyes on me.


The bell went off and we all started packing up our things, ready to go home after these long hours of school.

"Make sure you study the material that I sent to you all by email."

I got up from my seat as I dragged the strap of my bag onto my right shoulder and left the room in silence, but I was suddenly approached by a group of girls from the other class.

"Hi (Y/n)...would you like to join us at Yeri's house and we could maybe watch a movie?" The girl asked me while batting her eyelashes.

"I'm sorry but I don't think my parents would let me, I can ask but they'll probably say no." I responded.

"Oh that's fine," she said as she walked away, I could hear some people giggling as she walked away.

I made my way to my locker not forgetting my books I was going to need for my tutoring later.

'Please cancel tutoring,' I thought as I walked to the exit of the school and saw some kids playing football, and having fun.

'I wish that was me.'

I could only hope but even I knew that was impossible since I had to study to become a doctor, and couldn't focus on "distractions" as my parents called them.

'If only I didn't have to do this dumb tutoring.'

I strolled down the path to my house and hummed the melody to 2PM's 'Again & Again' after hearing it from someone's phone when I walked past a crowd of people while walking past the Arcade. Another place I also was prohibited to go to and have fun at.

I continued my way through the Shopping District and I was only a few steps away from my house. Having a house that's close to a school and Shopping District should be helpful, but we only moved into this house so we would be closer to the library and buy more study books for higher grades.

My house was a 2-story house which was painted a very light blue and had little decorations or plants. Only one singular cactus sat next to the front door.

Once upon a time, I tried asking for a dog but they quickly got angry and bombarded me with questions asking me the reasons on why I needed a dog and that it wasn't going to help me be successful. I sighed before going inside my house and was already met with my tutor sitting down in the living room.

"Good afternoon (Y/n)," She smiled and waved at me.

"Good afternoon Ms. Park," I bowed as I greeted her back.

After my tutor gave me activities and exercises to do to see if I understood what I learned from our session today, she left the house and I was alone. I decided to cook for myself so I went to the kitchen.

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