How protective are they of you?

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He is rarely in battle with you, so on that front he can't do much. When he is though, he won't pretend like you don't know what you're doing. He knows full well you've been fighting almost every day since the conclave, and knows you're skilled. That won't stop him from staying near you though, making sure no one attacks you from behind. 

When it comes to other men flirting with you, it isn't much of an issue. Most people at skyhold know you're taken, and they know when they're outmatched. That doesn't stop a few men from trying. In that situation he will put his arm around your waist and say that you are taken. With an awkward smile the men would walk away, and the two of you spend the rest of the night by each others side.


he isnt protective of you when it comes to other men. he knows he can trust you, and that if the man did anything too stupid that solas could easily kill him, or at least make him regret whatever he did. 

when you're in a battle though he is super protective of you. you're the first real person he has felt this strong of an attachment to in maker knows how long, and he refused to let you go. if you were hurt he would be the first person to you, helping you all he could without revealing his true power to you or the others. he ignores his own injuries to help you, and this only gets worse if you fall unconscious. if that happens, for a split second he thinks he lost you and it makes his heart stop. 


this man would throw himself in front of an arch demon for you, take a guess. he is very protective of your physical safety, he will do anything to keep you safe that doesn't go against his morals... except for the morrigan thing... but that would be saving his life too. that being said, he also takes his own safety seriously, knowing that you would be absolutely wrecked if he were to die. 

he doesnt really get jealous easily though, but will make it known when he does. he gets honestly anxious that you prefer the other person over him, and will inadvertently demand cuddles from you and reassurance.

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