How they would react to your death

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Okay who wants some free depression

Killed during the fight with the arch demon

He tried. He tried so hard to convince you to let him die. Let him, please, he couldn't bare to see this. Your bloody body laying on the stone, a pool of your own blood already collecting under you. Leliana reached out for him as he brought his hands to cover his mouth. He was trying not to cry, not now, not in front of everyone.
Please wake up he thought to himself this has to be a nightmare, please
He pushed your hair out of your face. You weren't in pain, you looked at peace despite the bruises and splatters of blood.
I cant lose you, please.

Killed during the fight with the arch demon

He didn't say a word. He propped your head up on his knees, wiping blood off your face with his thumb, and closing your eyes. You looked so calm. So serene.
At least you weren't in pain anymore. You had been injured in the first battle, the pain had been bothering you since.
Still he tried not to cry, but tears found their way down his cheeks. He lowered his head over your chest, crying into your armor.
"Maker no not her." Alistair wanted to try and comfort him, but in the back of his mind he knew what Zevrans thought would be. It should have been you.

Killed in the fade

Varrics letter made his heart stop. Aveline got hers an hour later, and her first thought was to check on Fenris. She found him staring blankly into his fireplace, the letter on the floor beneath him. He wasn't audibly crying, but tears were running down his face as though he was sobbing. She sat next to him and he broke down.
You were his everything. Nothing could prepare him for losing you. Of course it was a demon, after everything you avoided. He begged you to stay home, to stay out of it. To please at least let him come with you. Maybe then you would still be alive, even if he was dead in your place.

Killed in a battle with templars

The author totally didn't forget Anders the first time
So you know when Anders gets emotional over Templars justice normally makes a special appearance? It was pretty bad. Luckily it was the two of you and a group of templars. When he realized he wouldn't be able to save you everything broke down.
After justice finally let him go he fell to his knees in front of you. Your face was stained with blood, though he couldn't tell if it was yours. He should have left you in Kirkwall, damnit he should have left you in Kirkwall. Or anywhere, he shouldn't have brought you with.
He cried until he couldn't cry anymore, until his head was pounding and he couldn't think.
This incident fueled his anger further, and fueled justice further. The lines between Anders and Justice became even more blurred.

Died of blood loss after defeating corypheus

Cullen was seated next to your bed, holding your hand. He knew it was coming, there was nothing more they could do. Your grip slowly loosened until your hand was limp within his. He kissed each one of your knuckles, a shaky breath leaving his body as he closed his eyes. You were so beautiful, even like this. Even after bleeding out in his arms, even after dying by his side you were still so beautiful.
You were everything he ever wanted, you helped him so much. He just wanted to be able to kiss you again, hold you so he could help keep you warm on the cold night.
He felt cassandras hand on his shoulder, a quiet 'I'm sorry' leaving her lips. She was there, she blamed herself. She should have protected you, done whatever it took. You made the ultimate sacrifice though, and thanks to you, corypheus was dead and the breach was closed. Still, Cullen couldn't help but hate it all. He wanted you, right now he didn't care about peace. He wanted you, and you were gone.

You got to him minutes too late in trespasser and the anchor killed you

He held you there in his arms, tears rolling down his face as he pressed his forehead to yours. He could have saved you, he could have done more. You were limp in his arms, something he never wanted to see. The last thing you did was kiss him, dying in his arms before he could react.
You were so pale when he reached you, he realized there was nothing he could do for you but comfort. He couldn't speak, he couldn't do anything but hold you.
He sighed, his breath shaking. The others would reach you soon, he didn't know if he would stay here to meet them. He knew he should have left, but he couldn't put you down. His tears stained your skin as he kissed your forehead one last time.
"I will never forget you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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