Rock, Paper, Scissors - Chapter 02

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A/N : Church by Chase Atlantic again because they just be like that 😍 Also, you can search for the 2gether Nights playlist on Spotify for my collection of songs that give me the feels.

Also, I have never personally experienced or written BDSM before, so pls pardon any inaccuracies.


"Hope you're doing better today, sir. The staff was extremely worried about you yesterday" said Pear sweetly.

Wat smiled warmly at her. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern. Please pass my gratitude along to the staff as well."

Pear blushed a little at the million-dollar smile bestowed so freely upon her, the one that sent hordes of fans screaming and crying.

"Please let me know if you need anything, sir" she said, bowing slightly.

Boss looked at Wat with beseeching eyes.

"Actually, there is something you could help me with.

I heard there's a view point on top of a cliff here somewhere that has a spectacular visual of the sunset.

Would it be possible for you to arrange for us to drive up there today?" asked Wat.

"Of course, sir. May I recommend that you be ready to leave by 5:00 pm? The drive lasts about thirty minutes and there is a short hike to the actual view point" said Pear.

"That's perfect. And may I request that you accompany us please? Just as a thank you for taking such good care of us" Wat added quickly.

Pear smiled in delight. "Oh thank you, that's so kind of you. Are you sure it won't be an imposition?"

"Trust me, Ms Pear, your presence will be most welcome" said Wat. Pear nodded happily and went on her way.

Boss stood up and mumbled something before he followed her out.

It looked like he had another full day's agenda of "Follow Pear like a Puppy" planned.

Wat's own eyes were busy searching for the only sight he wanted to see.

Tine had been most inconveniently invisible all day. It was already almost lunch time.

Wat felt his belly tightening with hunger of a very different kind. He craved Tine.

He himself didn't understand this irrational attraction. There was something about the strong, stoic soldier that made Wat unusually excited.


He spent the afternoon lounging by the pool with Man. Normally, they would be laughing and cracking jokes or planning their work.

Today, they both seemed preoccupied by other thoughts.

"Do you think I should join the military? I think I would look great in a uniform" pondered Man.

"I think you should join the cells in your brain first so that you actually think before spouting nonsense" snorted Wat.

"I should probably learn martial arts of some kind. Jiu jitsu or kung-fu. Something macho. I could take lessons from Type."

"I need to get my hands on the shift rotations for the bodyguards. Just for information's sake."

"Do you think Type has tattoos under his clothes?"

"Tine has tattoos. A black dragon across his back, Air Force wings on his left pecs, a sleeve tattoo on his left arm, two thin black bands around his right forearm, a line of text wrapped around his ribs on the right side. So fucking hot."

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