Love, Your Anti-Fan - Chapter 02

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From : Mr Chic (
To : Sarawat Guntithanon (
Date : 28 Aug 2021, 08:42 AM

Dear 5-year-old Saraboy

Are you in kindergarten? What's with the "prove you didn't fart" arguments? Sheesh!

Also, curses be upon this city's traffic. I had to wait for 4 minutes at a signal just now and there was a gigantic billboard with your smirking face leering down at the innocent general population. I swear two kids burst into tears when they saw it.

Why do you have so much make-up on your face? Have you taken a part-time job in a Chinese opera? I applaud your attempts at securing alternate employment, I only hope it's not a singing part.

Your Anti-Fan

P.S : Your smile looks creepy. I almost like you frowning better. Then I realized all your expressions are equally bad. If you were the light at the end of the tunnel, I'd turn back.

P.P.S : I thought you'd hit rock bottom with postcript no. 3 but by going down to postcript no. 4 (which I refused to read on principle), you have proved that you're impossible to underestimate.


From : Sarawat Guntithanon (
To : Mr Chic (
Date : 30 Aug 2021, 01:13 AM

My dearest Anti-Fan

I had make-up on because I was literally promoting a make-up brand. But if you think it's too much, you could come to see me with a remover and tone it down to an acceptable level.

I won't mind you touching my face. Not one bit.

Yours with and without make-up,

P.S : I aim to surprise and delight you always. So this time, I won't write even a 2nd postscript.

P.P.S : Aaargh, I couldn't control myself. Meet me, please? Just tell me a place and a time and I'll come to you. You don't even have to bring the remover, I'll get it myself.


From : Mr Chic (
To : Sarawat Guntithanon (
Date : 2 Sep 2021, 11:18 AM

I've discovered that I dislike tax law almost as much as I dislike you.


From : Sarawat Guntithanon (
To : Mr Chic (
Date : 3 Sep 2021, 12:13 AM

Do I dare declare that we're pen pals (or anti-pals) now? So exciting. I'm thrilled that we're sharing discoveries.

I've discovered that polar bears rub noses to communicate, especially when asking a favour or a question. Isn't that cute?

So if I rub my nose against yours, don't get the wrong idea. I'd only be trying to emulate non-verbal communication skills propagated by an apex predator at the top of the food chain.


From : Mr Chic (
To : Sarawat Guntithanon (
Date : 4 Sep 2021, 12:36 AM

Dear Bearawat

If I play dead, will you leave me alone?

As for us being pen-pals? I'm not that desperate and you're not that lucky.

I have a paper to submit in the morning and zero inspiration. I was worried and pondered what to do.

But then I remembered that when you had a song to write and zero inspiration, you still went ahead and wrote one.

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