Always You

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A/N : A tweetfic I wrote a while ago. The original thread is in my Twitter profile in the pinned tweet on top of anyone's interested. Cheers!


Win looks at the photo & sighs

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Win looks at the photo & sighs. He thinks - knows - that he looks exactly like he feels. Exhausted to his core.
He hasn't slept in years. Not since he'd awoken to an empty apartment, a still-warm bed and a hastily scribbled note.
"There's a song I've known since I was a kid..."


W's had partners since. Many. He's been on a mad streak to replace what he lost when B left. But he's never found sanctuary. He's never found home. He's never found that particular brand of comfort that he never knew was limited to the embrace of the only man he's ever loved.


What was it about B's arms that made the space they formed between them the only place in the world that W could find peace in? Dreamless sleep, deep and unmarred. Was it the rhythm of B's heart that beat against W's ears when he was cradled in them? Was it their warm strength?


Or was it the way those arms encircled a world where it was just B and W and their passionate, unfettered love? Hugging W tight under the sheets, silencing the cruel taunts and shrill jibes of the many who couldn't, wouldn't understand how they could be together the way they were.


It seems like a different lifetime to W. Now he returns to dark walls and darker dreams that don't let him be. His skin aches to be possessed. His bones creak from loneliness. His soul is dusty and parched with melancholy that never ends. Only ebbs and peaks like ocean waves.


Was I not enough? A question W's asked himself so many times it's tattooed on the walls of his heart. He can't blame B for leaving the way he did. B'd endured it for a long time by then- the scornful eyes that followed them everywhere, cutting deep before flitting away in disdain.


The whispers, like leaves rustling in the wind. The slight shrinking away of bodies when they got too close, as though they would be tainted by touch. As though finding love and purpose in another man was a disease, a curse. There were those who wanted to "free" them of "sins".


They were the worst - the ones jealous of and enamoured by B and W's ethereal looks, unworthy of even being in their presence, using their "straightness" as an excuse and invitation to molest under the guise of "retribution". Mauling, groping, bruising flesh and spirit.


Then there were those who pretended to understand. The ones who claimed they were allies, only to be the first to turn their backs when the time came to truly show their support. B had lost friends that way. So had W. But for B, it was people he'd known and trusted all his life.

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