Coffee, Rain and You

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A/N : A short tweetfic that I published on my Twitter handle @/mixi_who_writes

Inspired by Hospital Playlist (Ik-Jun x Song-Hwa)

Inspired by Hospital Playlist (Ik-Jun x Song-Hwa)

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W sighed as he closed his laptop finally and rested his eyes on the heels of his palms.

It was past 1:30 am and he was the only one still working. The rest had left the office long ago like sane people with lives to live.

W stretched, packed his bag and walked to the elevator.


He was busy scrolling on his phone for takeaway restaurants that may still be open when he stepped into the lobby.

"Win" called a soft voice. W looked up in surprise.

"Vachi, what are you still doing here? I thought you left hours ago" said W, surprised to see him.


"You were so nervous about the presentation, I couldn't leave you by yourself. I've got food" said B, holding up two bags.

W felt his tiredness leaving him like a sponge squeezed dry.

"You're the best roomie ever. Fuck, I could kiss you right now" said W.

B laughed lightly.


They sat on their favourite bench right outside the office. The shrubs and trees seemed eerie in the dead of the night. But W felt safe, like he always did with B.

"Did you manage to finish the deck?" asked B. W nodded and bit into his burger.

"And the forecast model?" asked B


"Mhmm" said W, munching happily.

B smiled at the sight and shook his head. He reached out his thumb to wipe mayo off the corner of W's lips.

"Here" said B, handing W a drink. W took a long sip and sighed with contentment.

"I've done the best I can, Vachi. But I'm still worried"


"Don't be. You're going to kill it tomorrow. I just know it" said B reassuringly.

And when he said it that way, W had no choice but to believe him truly and completely.

They finished eating and W watched as B jogged away behind some trees to the trash bin. He felt a twinge.


W breathed a lot easier with he saw B jogging back to him.

"Let's go home" said B, and they walked to the parking lot.

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