Chapter 5

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Waking the next morning Kira felt more relaxed than she had been in a long time. Deciding to start the day productively she grab all her dirty clothe and taking off the ones she was wearing and headed for the river. Climbing into the river she submerged her clothe, getting them nice and wet. Grabbing the soap, she worked it into her clothe. Scrubbing and working the hard stain, she went through all her clothes. Once she was finished with the clothe, she started on herself. Getting out the river she hung up all her clothe and lay down in the sun to dry off.

Once dry, Kira pulled out the last clean and dry pair of clothes, she got dressed. Finding a clear area to practice, she began limbering up. Now warm she slowly worked through the different stance and forms that John had taught her. Standing still, she slowly moved her right foot forward before bring both arms up. Next her other foot moved out to the side. Turning her body to the side, her movements sped up. Her speed increased with each form she went through. When her muscle were nice and warm, Kira stopped and got her knives. Starting all over again but with the knives. Only this time each movement more precise than the next.

After four hours of practice she took her first break. Sitting down Kira ate some left over bread and cold fish.Once her food was finished she got up and started all over again. A couple hours later, Kira started her cool down routine. Finish had she went and checked on her clothes. Finding them dry she pack them away into her bag. Wondering what she was going to have for dinner, Kira decide to go and check the traps that she had set up the day before.

Walking into the forest she started with the trap the was furthest from her camp. After checking three of the four traps and coming up empty, Kira was hoping that the last one would bare some fruit. Getting close she could hear some noise. Speeding up she looked for and found her trap. There was a rabbit caught it. Grabbing the animal so that it wouldn't struggle, she pulled her knife and in one quick movement she brought the knife down. It hit the animal at the back of the neck, killing it instantly.

Taking the rabbit back to camp, stopping to skin and clean the animal. Bring the fire back up, she put the kill on a stick and placed it over the fire to cook. Cleaning her knife she put it back it the holder. Sitting down by the fire, she slowly turn the rabbit so that it would cook evenly. Watching the fire Kira felt like the flames were showing her something. She had been staring at that fire along time, that when she came back to herself the food was almost burnt.

"Damn-it, what was that." she exclaimed. Pulling the rabbit off the flames, she started to cut pieces off onto a board she had made. Picking through the bits of meat that weren't to burnt, Kira ate her catch. Finished she washed her plate and knife off in the river. Banking the fire fire down she went to sleep.

Dreaming she was surround by fire, in the fire there seemed to be something moving. Trying to look deeper to see what was in the flames but every time Kira thought she saw what there, it disappear. Walking deeper into the fire and trying to find what was hidden, she walked off a cliff. Instead of falling she flew. Not knowing what was happening she followed where the dream was taking her. All that was there was fire and flight.

Waking the next morning she was more frustrated then when the dreams started. Not knowing what was going on, Kira went for a swim in the river. The water cooled the thoughts in her head. Getting out of the water she decided to practice again. She decided that she was going to start with a run this time. Change out of the wet clothes, she left her boots off. Heading into the tree she took off at a sprint, the trees coming at her quickly. Her sped made missing the trees a mission, making them an obstacle.Enjoying the run, she kept going only turning back when she felt hungry.

Back at the camp Kira walked around cooling down before having a snack of some dried meat and the last of her bread. Think back over her dream now that her mind was clear. Their was nothing in the dream that could lead her to what they were all about. All it was, fire and flight but how could the two be connected to her. No one in her family had anything to do with fire but Zack was an eagle so maybe she needed to talk to a bird changeling. There was no way she could ever talk to a dragon, they were the only ones that dealt with fire.

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