Chapter 3

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For the first couple of months Kira waited to see if her family would call for her. The months that went by she got more and more disheartend. She knew that they went fond of her but they were still family. So she waited, a year went by and only a handful of letters arrived.One said that she wasto remain at the keep, another that James had been accepted into the Royal Guard school located somewhere in Dragosen. 

When she was ten she noticed that somethings that were difficult for her to do became easier. Walking up that many stairs to her room didnt leave her out of breathe as it had before. She also noticed that her eyesight was getting better. Things she couldnt do before became possible. She now could climb trees, run in the fields and play like a normal child could do. Kira found all of this fun and exciting. Waiting to show her parents what she could now do, she kept her new skills and abilities a secret.

In the forrest near the keep Kira strung some ropes between the trees. She made an obseticle amoungest the forrest. It became her new home. She still ate with the servants in the morning and night. The rest of the day she made her own in the trees.

the weeks that followed her fifteenth birthday were the best for Kira. She had come to understand that though she couldnt change she still had all of the abilities. She could place what animal she was. She was as strong as a bear, eyesight close to that of a eagle but her speed was quicker than any of the cat changeling she had seen. She was happy for the first time in all of her years, eventhough there had been no contact from her family. But with her happinest was to come her biggest disappointment.

Kira had just come back from one of her toughest challenge she had set for herself to knock over the biggest tree in the forrest. She had to cross a strong river, up the side of a striaght rock face and then a five mile sprint. Walking through the front door she came face to face with some guards in the hall. Watching from the door she waited to see what was happening, they seemed to be waiting for someone.

"There she is."one of the maids said. Watching the guards all turn towards her.

"Good."the lieutenant stated "As order of the Duke of Treera, the person known as Kira Untura is to leave the keep."

"What! Its my home." Kira said.

"Its not for me to say but only to follow orders. So you are aloud to take some clothes and food but thats all" the lieutenant replied, " Private follow her to her room and then the kitchen make sure she only takes what she is aloud."

Kira stood shocked for a moment but was soon knock out of it as the private made his way towards her. She walk towards the stairs and up to her room. Gathering all she need she made her way to the kitchen she took bread, cheese and some dried meat enough to last a couple days. The private escorted her back to the main hall where all the servants were gathered. She watched as they all stared at her waiting to see what happened. With a wave goodbye to them all she left.

Kira was sad that her parents were kicking her out but maybe thats what she needed. Walking through the forrest she decided to camp at the now fallen tree. Getting there was just as fun as the first time. She made camp and lite a fire to ward off the slight chill that was in the air. Kira spent most of the night looking at the stars thinking that maybe her life would have been different if she could change. But as soon as the thought entered her mind she dismissed it. If this was how she was born then thats how she was meant to be.

Kira walk everyday for as long as she could, stopping every now and then to have a bit of food. She decided to see more of Treera. Walking all over the province she got to see the way everyone else lived. It was strange to see how other people lived. Families that looked after each other and helping. She got to see the different changeling all working together. It was fasinating seeing all of this.

She was in a villiage near the boarder of Dragosen when her food ran out. Not knowing what to do as she had no coins, she started looking for a job. No one really wanted to hire her because she didnt have very many useful skills. She eventually found a job cleaning the barracks of the local soliders. Kira found the job an eye opener, really seeing the world as it is.

One of the privates an older man by the name of John Jenkinse took her under his wing. He was a jaguar changeling and had notice her quick reflects. At first she was reluctent to do anything with him but he slowly showed her over a couple of months that he was a good guy. The first thing John taught Kira was to punch, he said that every girl needed to know how. Slowly over the space of the next year he taught her how to fight extremely well.

"Come on, Kira, keep your guard up." John shouted from the side of the fighting ring.He watched as the hole in Kira's guard disappear. And she promtly kick her oppents attacts to the ground and getting through his guard to win the match. Turning around she smiled at John, giving a small nod as thanks.

"Why is it that evey fight you drop your guard, young girl" He lightly scalded.

"its so you can feel part of the fight." sassed Kira laughing a bit at the end. "I mean if i dont then the other fighter feels a bit cheated. This way i give him a small chance of winning before you point out the gap and i close it."

Laughing at her John shook his head before replying" Its still not a good idea. One day you are going to come across someone better and they are going to beat you."

"I look forward to that day, because then it means that there is more for mean to learn" she answered back.

"Funny girl, funny." he said "When are you leaving and dont say you're not I can see it in your eyes."

"In the morning, And thanks for all the help you have given me this past year." Kira said quitely.

"I would hope that someone would do the same if i had a daughter." John replied handing Kira a gift. "Open it when you are on the road tomorrow that way you will have cant give it back, if you dont like it."

Smiling, Kira went off to the little room she had rent from all the money that she had made from the fights John had got for her when she mentioned that she would like to earn more. She had first beat him in a fight but she had did it and it payed off. Packing her bag for the next day, she went to sleep only to dream about flying and fire. Something that had been happening alot the last couple for nights.

The next morning she waved goodbye to John and made her way down the road leading into Dragosen province. She walk for a good half of the day before stopping to have a little lunch. Remembering the gift she had got the night before,Kira pulled it out her bag. Staring at it for a bit she slowly unwrapped it. Inside were two indentical daggers in sheaths of a nice leather. Twisting them around she felt the weight, how light they felt. Smiling she pulled one dagger out looking at the blade and the detail of a dragon on the one side. Pulling the other she saw an indentical image on the other blade. Thinking to herself that John was right she would have tried to give them back. But she laughed and strapped them to each leg.Moving around she teasted the feel, they were comfortable.

Happy with everything Kira packed up her lunch and started back down the road deeper into the next province but now better equipped for thing that might come her way.

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